NXT Champ Trick Williams On 'Uncle' Booker T, Connecting With WWE Fans

Current NXT Champion Trick Williams has commented on WWE Hall of Famer Booker T being a mentor to him throughout his career, as well as where the "Whoop That Trick" chant started and how it's enhanced his connection with the audience. In a recent interview with "Jimmy V3", Williams went into detail about his relationship with Booker, stating that overtime the five-time WCW Champion he has become like family to him.


"Booker T has been part of the movement since the beginning, hey that's my uncle Booker T for all those who don't know man. He's always been a good mentor to me man, he treats me like family man I love Booker." Williams then referred back to NXT 2.0 when explaining where the "Whoop That Trick" chant initially began, and revealed at first he didn't know if the chant was for him or against him.

"Man the 'Whoop That Trick' chant started early into the 2.0 days and I was still alongside my ex-brother, my ex-best friend Carmelo Hayes at the time ... I remember looking at Carmelo like hey are they chanting you know for me or against me? We just kind of shrugged it off and went about our business and then it just so happened every single time we had a match, every single time I had a match the crowd continued to chant." Williams also noted that once his theme music changed to more of an instrumental beat the chant really grew in popularity due to people wanting to use it during his entrance.


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Jimmy V3" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

