WWE Legend The Undertaker Details Difficulties Of His Six Feet Under Podcast

Mark "The Undertaker" Calaway left behind quite the legacy in pro wrestling, but his efforts in maintaining kayfabe have also similarly been praised. Since retiring, he's largely revealed himself to the world, especially in his podcast "Six Feet Under," and in an appearance on "Busted Open Radio," The Undertaker expressed how difficult this post-retirement journey has been.


According to "The Deadman," he still has a hard time speaking openly about the wrestling industry. "Well, I still have a hard time talking about the business in an open forum. That's probably the biggest thing, and I'm somewhat competing with myself as far as The One Deadman Show."

However, what he finds tougher is fans asking him obscure questions about his career and expecting answers. "The biggest thing? Probably my memory ... People will ask me the most random questions about the most random matches in the world. Like, I'm supposed to remember who I worked with in Scranton, Pennsylvania in 1993? I'm like, 'Hmmmm, yeah, I got nothing for you!'"

Despite this, The Undertaker pointed out that there are many things he remembers thoroughly, like the day he found out that he was going to bury Paul Bearer alive. "I remember getting to the building that day and I remember asking like (...) 'Wait a minute, why am I killing Paul Bearer? Like, he's my guy?'" 


He then recalled them explaining it to him, and how Bearer was eventually buried in oatmeal and not cement.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription. 

