WWE Hall Of Famer Bully Ray Gets Candid About Wrestling Halls Of Fame

Each year, a new lineup of performers are inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, and that's far from the only Hall of Fame present in the wrestling industry. Despite being part of the WWE Hall of Fame as one of The Dudley Boyz, Bully Ray isn't necessarily a fan of the concept, as revealed during a conversation on "Busted Open Radio."


The topic first came up while the hosts were discussing the Hall of Fame merits of Tommy Dreamer, a regular "Busted Open" co-host who was present for the conversation. According to Bully, Dreamer wouldn't be an obvious Hall of Famer based on his in-ring accolades, which Dreamer largely agreed with.

"This is why I'm not a big believer in the term 'Hall of Fame' when it comes to pro wrestling," Bully said. "Hall of Appreciation. It's not a traditional Hall of Fame. We are in the predetermined sports entertainment [industry]."

Due to the nature of wrestling, the most talented performer isn't necessarily the person with the most championships or main event matches, though that is usually who is celebrated. While it's often the case that the best rise to the top, Bully argued that it's also possible for bookers to put anyone in the top position, no matter their actual level of talent.


"I could turn anybody into a Hall of Famer with a pencil," Bully continued. "Do you understand how crazy that sounds? But Dreamer was just [nodding] his head yes, because it's the truth. ... Any promoter can take any talent they want and turn them into a Hall of Famer. Give them 10 years. I'll write you in, I'll write you out, I'll give you such a great career."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

