D-Von Dudley Discusses Darby Allin's Glass Spot From AEW Revolution

While Sting coming up victorious in his retirement match against The Young Bucks was the top story coming out of AEW Revolution, a close second was Darby Allin's death-defying leap of faith through a sheet of glass. The move led to Allin needing twelve stitches in his back, and ended up causing a lot of discourse regarding the safety of the spot and whether it should've been attempted to begin with.


On the latest episode of "Busted Open Radio," D-Von Dudley became the latest to comment on Darby's stunt. And he can be counted among those who found it a bit too risky, comparing it to some of the spots he used to do in the famous TLC matches from years ago.

"That was very dangerous to me," D-Von said. "I don't know if the six of us [Dudleys, Hardys, Edge, and Christian] had ever been in a situation where we would have the opportunity to take that type of bump. I just don't know if we would've ever done that. There's unnecessary risks that are involved in that. 

"I remember, in TNA, when we were putting Christian through the glass table, we had to table..certain things we wanted to do leading up to that. That bump alone, we had a little bit of apprehension about doing it, and kind of make sure Christian was going to be as safe as possible because even sugar glass can cut the hell out of you. 


D-Von Compares Modern Day Risks To Those Made In The 90s

While D-Von would reiterate his opinion on the spot when informed that Allin went through real glass, he did soften his stance a tad, and noted that much like he and other veterans were critical of Allin's spot now, there were plenty of veterans who were critical of the spots the Dudleys did during their WWE and ECW runs.


"To me, and again, God bless those guys," D-Von said. "Whatever they do over there, that's what they do. I get that, because I'm sure in ECW, when we were doing the crazy things that we were doing, a lot of the old timers didn't understand what we were doing.

"But I don't know...the risk that we see today, I don't know if we took those risks like that in ECW. Maybe we did, maybe we didn't, I don't know. But it just didn't seem like we did. I think we were a lot smarter and we understood the consequences of some of the things that we were going to do in there."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription

