Former WWE Star Maven Reacts To Allegations Against Vince McMahon

Last month, ex-WWE employee Janel Grant filed a 67-page civil lawsuit accusing her former boss Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and the TKO Group Holdings-owned promotion of sex trafficking and sexual abuse. Since then, many wrestling personalities have weighed in with their thoughts on the matter, including inaugural "WWE Tough Enough" co-winner Maven, who spoke about Grant's complaint on his popular YouTube channel.


"I don't know anything to be true," Maven said. "I don't know anything to be false. I don't know the young lady [in] question. I don't know any of the other females from my time that might have been affected by such allegations. So to ask if I saw anything firsthand, I did not. Do I believe the allegations? I don't have any reason to call them dishonest. I did take the time, I read the entire report."

Maven described the accusations in Grant's complaint as "down right appalling." One thing that really upset the former WWE Hardcore Champion in the lawsuit was the notion that someone's wealth gives them the ability to control another person. Meanwhile, if anyone is found guilty of being involved in the alleged abuse, Maven hopes the punishment is "swift" and "menacing." Returning his attention to the complaint, Maven said he was shocked and unsurprised at the same time. As things stand, McMahon, who resigned from TKO after Grant's lawsuit was filed, is currently being investigated by federal authorities, while Laurinaitis has himself claimed to be a victim in the case.


If you use quotes in this article, please credit Maven's YouTube channel and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

