AEW Dynamite Results 1/31: Adam Page & Swerve Strickland In Action, Purrazzo Vs. Valkyrie

This is Wrestling INC.'s live coverage of "AEW Dynamite" for January 31, 2023!

Tonight's show will see Swerve Strickland and Adam Page's issues with each other continue to intensify as both men keep fighting to become the number one contender to the AEW World Championship. This evening they will be choosing each other's opponents, with Strickland having looked into the Mogul Embassy for his choice as Toa Liona will be facing Page.


Strickland's opponent hasn't yet been officially confirmed, but AEW has been heavily teasing that it will be Rob Van Dam taking that spot with the social media claiming he will have to watch the 'Whole F'n Show,' giving a wink to the Hall Of Fame legend. That match it also set to have Samoa Joe on commentary, as he looks to keep a closer eye on one of the men chasing his title.

Two more men looking to add to their win-loss record tonight are Jon Moxley and Jeff Hardy, who will be going one-on-one for the first time in history, with both of them aiming to get into the title picture.

In the women's division, Deonna Purrazzo will be stepping into the ring against an old enemy in Taya Valkyrie, who called her out last week. With Toni Storm on commentary, can AEW's newest star continue to show she's champion material?


Chris Jericho is also back in action tonight, with his issues against Don Callis set to rage on. Jericho will be facing Kyle Fletcher in a singles match as he attempts to continue fighting toward his rival and former friend. 

Jon Moxley vs. Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy immediately attacks Jon Moxley, but Jon Moxley immediately turns things around as he starts fighting Hardy in the corner until the veteran dumps him to the floor. Hardy follows up by diving into Moxley from the ring apron as he then uses his towel to choke Moxley at ringside. Moxley fights back and then hits a tope suicida to keep up his attack as he then dumps Hardy onto the barricade and he lariats him back down to the floor. 


Back inside the ring, Moxley begins working a leg submission before he begins unloading with kicks before he launches Hardy into the corner as Hardy then gets catapulted into the second rope. The match then heads out of the ring again as Moxley launches Hardy into the barricade right in front of a group of CMLL stars. Hardy returns the favor and throws Moxley into them, and they end up pushing and shoving. 

Moxley comes back to the ringside area as Hardy throws a chair into his face, but as he tries to run and leap off the steel stairs Moxley catches him in mid-air with a forearm. Moxley then teases using a chair, but he throws it away and instead just opts for some ground and pound. Moxley gets a pen from the commentary team and then puts it through the pierced ear hole of Hardy as he twists it around. Moxley then takes Hardy to the top turnbuckle as he does the ear attack again, but Hardy fights away and then hits a leaping dropkick from the apron to Moxley on the floor. 


Back inside the ring, Hardy keeps up the attack, hitting the Manhattan Drop into the leg drop/basement dropkick series of moves which gets him a near fall. Moxley responds with a piledriver and they then begin brawling on the ring apron where Hardy delivers a Twist Of Fate. Hardy hits a Whisper In The Wind, but once again Moxley manages to kick out. He then drives both his boots into Moxley in the corner, but as he goes to the top turnbuckle Moxley sprints up to join him.

After raking the back, Moxley connects with a superplex. They then brawl as Hardy aims for another Twist Of Fate, but that gets countered by a cutter. Hardy then traps Moxley's legs and almost catches him with a pinfall, but he then hits the Twist Of Fate again, but misses with the Swanton Bomb, and Moxley then locks in the Bulldog Choke. 

Winner: Jon Moxley

After the match, Moxley looks to shake Hardy's hand, but he opts to reject it. He then calls out the CMLL stars and all four of them jump into the ring and beat down the AEW star until a few AEW stars come down and make the save.

Adam Page vs. Toa Liona

Adam Page attacks Toa Liona early on, connecting with plenty of punches, but the Mogul Embassy star drops him with one knee strike to the midsection. He misses with a leg drop which allows Page to attack, but Liona instantly pops up and runs through him with another lariat. Page gets caught in mid-air, but Page reverses it into a pinfall attempt as he sends Liona out of the ring. 


Page then continues to attack him as Liona hangs onto the top rope, but he then runs with him and launches Page over the top rope to the floor. Back inside the ring they continue to fight against each other until Liona picks up the pace and just bounces Page out of the ring. He only just beats the 10 count, but Liona continues the attack straight away by running straight into Page as he gets back in the ring. 

Liona launches Page into the corner again, and while Page connects with a boot as he heads to the top turnbuckle his legs get swiped which puts him into the tree of woe. Liona connects with a series of headbutts, and then a diving one for added measure. However, he then tries to hit a senton on the ring apron, but Page moves and he then dives out of the ring to attack Liona again before diving out into his opponent one more time. 


Page heads to the top turnbuckle and hits a standing crossbody, but Liona kicks out at two only to eat a few rolling elbows. Page tries for a Deadeye, but his back gives way and Liona crushes him and then nails a superkick. Page fights back and this time does connect with a Deadeye, but Liona immediately gets up and then headbutts Page before dropping his weight onto him on the ring apron. 

He lays Page out on the floor, but then misses with a moonsault as he crashes and burns, with Page immediately showing him how it's done. He follows it with a Buckshot Lariat, but Liona reverses and attempts a Samoan Drop, which Page then counters with a crucifix pin, and adds another win to his rankings. 

Winner: Adam Page

The Young Bucks are shown arriving backstage as they fine an employee.

Wardlow vs. Komander

Komander attempts to lock up with Wardlow a few times, but is immediately thrown down to the mat due to the strength disadvantage. They take things outside the ring with Wardlow giving chase, and as he gets back into the ring Komander hits a few low dropkicks to bring the bigger man down. However, he ends up being popped into the air and immediately slammed to the mat. 


Wardlow drives Komander into the top rope, and he then just launches the masked man across the ring as he starts to pose and flex. Komander heads outside the ring, and he manages to reverse a powerbomb by sending "Mr. Mayhem" into the stairs. Komander hits a few shots, but Wardlow then jumps up to the ring apron with him, only to get caught inside the ropes with a dropkick. 

Komander follows it with another and then nails a Phoenix Splash which lands directly on Wardlow's neck. He slams him to the mat and then drives Komander into him before hitting a Powerbomb.

Winner: Wardlow

After the match, Undisputed Kingdom gets Komander back into the ring, but Orange Cassidy and the rest of Best Friends head down to the ring to even the odds, but Roderick Strong simply says, "See you later."


Ricky Starks and Big Bill sit down with Sting and Darby Allin, Starks personally tells Sting what a journey he's had in AEW, but that started with him. The fact Sting won still doesn't sit right with him. Allin says this is a stepping stone for Starks, he doesn't think he respects anybody, but Starks points out that Allin went out of his way to attach himself to Sting. Starks says he will make sure Sting doesn't make it to AEW Revolution, while he has no respect for Allin. 

Bill says it's beautiful all the talking the challengers have done, but they haven't ever mentioned them, they've overlooked them. They will take out all their frustrations on them next week. Sting says he admired Starks for talking smack to him years ago, but you have to earn respect. Sting tells Bill he's faced many big men, but they were killers and he's not sure about him yet. Allin says he respects what Starks does, but there's only one person to blame, and that's himself. Starks throws water at him, and Sting says he always hated talk, and next week they'll hit them.

Chris Jericho vs. Kyle Fletcher

The two men instantly start brawling, with Chris Jericho catching Kyle Fletcher with a boot only to run straight into a Michinoku Driver. Jericho then goads Fletcher in and steps aside as he dropkicks him to the floor, but Jericho then focuses on Don Callis and chases him up the ramp which allows Fletcher to attack him from behind. Back inside the ring, he keeps up the attack, hitting a round kick to the back of Jericho. 


The veteran responds with a hurricanrana, but Callis then trips him which allows Fletcher to turn the tide back in his favor. The two men then trade chops, but Fletcher comes out on top with a half-and-half suplex, following it with a running kick in the corner of the ring and then a brainbuster, which gets a near fall. Jericho responds by driving Fletcher into the mat, but as he tries to hit his classic Lionsault, Powerhouse Hobbs attacks him when the official isn't watching. 

However, he gets too arrogant which allows Jericho to reverse the young wrestler into the Walls Of Jericho, but Fletcher manages to grab the ropes, and he then connects with a superkick which gets another near fall. As Fletcher tries to pick Jericho back up, he gets caught with a Codebreaker, and this time it is Fletcher having to kick out to stay in the match. They exchange punches, but Fletcher then connects with a kick to the face as Jericho gets onto the top turnbuckle. 


Fletcher hits a brainbuster from the top and then connects with another kick to the head, but Jericho then nearly catches him with a near fall. The two men then go back and forth with big kicks, but after Jericho tries to fight away Callis he eats another boot. Jericho is sent outside the ring and Fletcher tries to dive into him, only to be hit with a mid-air Judas Effect. 

Jericho then sends Hobbs into the stairs, before launching himself from the top turnbuckle to hit a diving Judas Effect to Fletcher. 

Winner: Chris Jericho

After the match, Konosuke Takeshita appears and stares at Jericho, who he will face next week. 

Bang Bang Scissor Gang then appear as they bring out the Juice Robinson cardboard cut out. They do the gunns up together and leave.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Taya Valkyrie

Deonna Purrazzo wastes no time showcasing her technical side by focusing on the arm of her opponent, but Taya Valkyrie matches that by targeting the leg of her opponent. However, Purrazzo then ends up being distracted by Johnny TV outside the ring, allowing Valkyrie to hit a Spear as she then slams Purrazzo into the steel stairs before sharing a kiss with her man. 


Back inside the ring, Valkyrie delivers a big chop before stomping down on Purrazzo on the bottom turnbuckle as she then delivers a running double knee attack, which provides a near fall. Valkyrie then hits a sliding German, and the fight then heads out of the ring where they trade forearm strikes until Purrazzo connects with a Russian leg sweep that sends both of them crashing into the ring apron. 

They continue exchanging forearms inside the ring until Purrazzp hits a knee lift, and then another Russian leg sweep and a pump kick. Purrazzo then locks in a knee bar as she looks for a submission victory, but Valkyrie gets out and hits a sliding lariat, but she's not able to capitalize as Purrazzo throws her out of the ring and then hits a sliding dropkick as she stares at Toni Storm on commentary. 


Valkyrie goes to punch Purrazzo but ends up hitting Storm, while inside the ring Purrazzo locks in an arm submission and forces Valkyrie to tap. 

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo

Renee Paquette is then shown asking Darby Allin about his admiration for The Young Bucks. He's confused but the team then appear, showing that they're forcing the situation. They ask why Allin is allowing Sting to take money from him, and they have an idea for a new gimmick for Allin which is for them to be a trio. Nick Jackson says he's being unprofessional by dodging them and Allin says the titles are the only thing on his mind.

Swerve Strickland vs. RVD (Hardcore Match)

Before the match, Adam Page says that Toa Liona was closed earlier. However, he claims Swerve Strickland didn't read the contract as people could choose the stipulation as well...this is a hardcore match. 


Strickland then turns around as RVD launches a chair into his face. He dumps Strickland into the barricade several times before connecting with a spinning leg lariat. RVD then launches himself over the top rope to deliver a leg drop as Strickland lays on the apron. He then places Strickland onto the barricade as RVD launches himself from the ring apron with another spinning leg attack.

However, as they aim to get back into the ring, Strickland takes control with a neckbreaker from the second rope down to the mat. Strickland then drops RVD onto the barricade as he launches off the steps to deliver a kick. Strickland uses the chair to drive into the ribs of RVD, and he then sends him crashing head-first into the foreign object as well. RVD fires back with rolling thunder, and then a diving dropkick in the corner, but it's not enough for the win. He tries to monkey flip Strickland onto a chair, but that gets reversed as Strickland saw what was coming and counters into a powerbomb on the steel. 


RVD then deposits Strickland onto the top rope, but as he tries to keep up the attack Brian Cage appears. HOOK then comes down and nails the bigger man with several chair shots. Those two fight to the back as Strickland hits a running boot from the apron as RVD sits on a chair. However, as he looks for Swerve Stomp, RVD throws a chair at him and he falls out of the ring as he crashes through a table. 

RVD sets Strickland into a chair sandwich, but he crashes and burns with the Frog Splash. Strickland throws a chair to RVD who catches it as Strickland nails the House Call with the weapon. They scale to the top turnbuckle but Strickland fights him down and delivers the Swerve Stomp.

Winner: Swerve Strickland

Adam Page appears and says he assumes they're top of the rankings list when it comes out tonight. Page tells Strickland that he will never let him be World Champion, he is the next World Champion. Strickland points out he's beaten Page twice and he has nothing to prove, but Page thinks it's because Strickland doesn't think he can lace his boots. Strickland says he will face him one more time, and after that, they're done. It's made official, they face each other next week with the winner challenging Joe at AEW Revolution.

