Jake Roberts Remembers Being Baffled By Long-Running 1980s WWE Tag Team

Jake "The Snake" Roberts enjoyed a lengthy amount of time in the pro wrestling industry where he got to know many legends of his era. While hardcore wrestling is more commonplace today, when WWE Hall of Famers The Bushwhackers first joined WWE, their brutal style set them apart, and Roberts — who dubbed them tough streetfighters — was initially shocked by their wrestling style.


"What a rough, tough, rumble-tumble, street-fight guys they were. And when they started doing all that stuff they were doing I was like: 'Who the f—k is that? And why? And what are they f—king doing?' I thought it was just insane," said Roberts in a recent episode of "The Snake Pit with Jake Roberts."

While The Bushwhackers is their most memorable tag team name, the duo went by many monikers. Before becoming The Bushwhackers, they established themselves as The New Zealand Sheepherders, and according to Roberts, they were even more rough at that stage. 

However, once they changed their name, they changed their style which Roberts states added years to their careers. "Hell, it added years to their careers, man. Because their style was so rough on the body, and they were like street fighting and it was rough on it. Took its toll."


Bushwhacker Butch, who was known to be the mouthpiece of the duo during the rare moments they cut promos, passed away at the age of 73 in March 2023.

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