Gerald Brisco Details Conversations He Had With WWE Legend Terry Funk

WWE Hall of Famer Gerald Brisco has discussed his relationship with the late Terry Funk and the conversations they had.

Funk is regarded by many to be one of the greatest to ever step in the ring, and the outpouring after his passing last year was an indication of this. Early in his career, he had a legendary feud with the Brisco Brothers alongside his brother Dory Funk Jr., and Gerald Brisco recently recalled the feud during an appearance on "Under The Ring."


Brisco opened up about the feud between them and recalled the way Funk always described it. "We got into several conversations about it, and Terry always said the way he saw it, it was four athletic guys who had no ego, who had confidence in their partners, who had confidence in their opponents."

Funk also noted that there were never any grudges between the men and that everyone knew exactly what they were capable of. While praising Funk, Brisco noted how the Funk brothers' father, Dory Funk Snr., was "one of the greatest amateur wrestlers" from Indiana, and that this played a role in their athleticism. "So, they were schooled in amateur wrestling."

He pointed out all the differences between the two, and how the feud was a classic "Cowboys versus Indians" tale. "You also had two Texans and you had two Oklahomans, and you had two cowboys and you had two Indians. Everything kind of just slipped into place and in that angle and we gave people what they wanted to see."


Brisco said that he was in contact with Funk before he passed away and that they conversed two or three times a month.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Under The Ring" and provide Wrestling Inc. with a h/t for the transcription.

