AEW Collision Results 1/13 - Deonna Purrazzo In-Ring Debut, ROH World Six-Man Title Match

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of the January 13 episode of "AEW Collison. This week's episode comes from Chartway Arena in Norfolk, Virginia.

Tonight's episode will see Deonna Purrazzo make her "Collision" and official in-ring debut against Red Velvet. In May 2022, while Purrazzo was part of the TNA Wrestling roster, she wrestled on AEW TV in a losing effort to then-ROH Women's Champion Mercedes Martinez. Also tonight, Adam Copeland will be doing an open challenge — for those who remember last week's "Collision," he faced Griff Garrison in his first open challenge.


Ahead of the Battle of the Belts special, the ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun, and Toa Liona will be defending their titles against Lance Archer, Dutch, and Vincent. Once again fans will see FTR versus House of Black, but this time Daniel Garcia will be teaming with Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood. Last week, Garcia had tried to save them from Malakai Black, Buddy Murphy, and Brody King.

The show starts off with Copeland's open challenge. 

Adam Copeland Vs. Lee Moriarty

Copeland comes out. He has the mic, he says it's time for the Cope Open. His opponent is Lee Moriarty. A video package airs to show why they call him "tiger style." Moriarty has the mic now, he says that he is the prize fighter of Shane Taylor's Promotions. He says that he is going to make Copeland tap.


The two start off with the test of strength. Copeland kicks Moriarty and tosses him into the ring corner. Shotgun dropkick to Copeland. Commercial break.

Back from the break, both men are down in the ring. They get up but Copeland kicks him and then face first in the mat. A neckbreaker and a cover for the two-count. Copeland is on top, but Moriarty follows. Moriarty has Copeland in the stretch. Copeland breaks out of it. An avalanche slam to Moriarty. It looks like he is going for the spear. Taylor gets his attention and kicks to Copeland. A spear to Taylor now. Copeland though gets thrown into the barricade. Another border city stretch. He breaks out now they are both slugging it out on their knees. Forearms to the back of Moriarty's neck. A backbreaker and then a the grindhouse and Moriarty taps out.


Winner: Adam Copeland

Post-match, Copeland he is still coming for Cage's scrawny a**.

Video package of what happened to FTR airs. Now backstage with FTR and Garcia talking to Lexy Nair. Wheeler says tonight is all about revenge. Collision is a place to grow, according to Garcia. 

ROH Six-Man Tag Team Match: Mogul Embassy Vs. Lance Archer & The Righteous

Back from the break, Nair is talking to Guevara and Jericho ahead of Battle of the Belts.

Now is the ROH Six-Man Tag Team match. It's Cage and Archer first. They push each other. A hurricanrana but Archer clotheslines him. A suplex to Archer, then a big crossbody from Archer. Vincent tags in and Kaun tags too. A senton for a two-count. Kaun tags in Liona who hits a droptoe hold. Vincent is getting destroyed. Kaun tags back in. Vincent is getting destroyed but he is smiling. All six men are in the ring now after Kaun hits Dutch's knee. It's crazy.


Back from the break, Archer and Kaun are in the ring. A kick to the knee and a DDT to Archer, but Vincent and Dutch come into the ring, they try to attack him, but Kaun gets the best of them. Archer though wipes out Kaun's partners a chokeslam and a Death Valley driver. The legal men are still Kaun and Archer, but Dutch is in the ring and he flies, the crowd is impressed. Jake Roberts hits Prince Nana. The crowd is going wild. A tag is made by Vincent and Dutch double team. Almost a three-count after a headbutt.

Archer breaks the pin. A twisted neckbreaker by Cage. Dutch is back up, but Vincent is the only one in the ring. Vincent knocks over Liona, but he lands on . Back to back covers. Kaun hits a double underhook facebuster to Vincent and wins the match.


Winners and still champions Mogul Embassy

Post-match, Prince Nana challenges the Gunns and Jay White to go after the Mogul Embassy's titles next Wednesday. Hook is here tonight, they show him backstage. 

Dustin Rhodes Vs. Willie Mack

Backstage with Preston Vance. Roderick Strong interrupts Vance.

Dustin Rhodes comes out and he will be facing Willie Mack. The bell rings, and they shake hands. Mack does a side headlock. Chops to Rhodes, but Rhodes kicks him and he rolls him up with a two-count. Rhodes goes for the handshake again, but he is being sneaky. More chops to Rhodes. A side headlock. A standing moonsault from Mack to Rhodes after he mocks his Goldust character.


A kick to Rhodes's head. He is up on the ropes and misses his frog splash. Rhodes hits a destroyer and gets a two-count. Another kick to Rhodes's head. He is in the corner of the ring, but Rhodes kicks Mack's head now. Rhodes hits two cross rhodes for the win.

Winner: Dustin Rhodes

Backstage, White and the Gunns are making fun of the Mogul Embassy. They say that they will take the challenge.

Hangman Adam Page Vs. JD Drake

Back from the break, Rhodes is talking to Renee but he is interrupted by Christian Cage. Cage says that he made an enemy of him by being with Copeland. Rhodes wants a title match.

Hangman Adam Page is here. He's going to be facing JD Drake. The bell rings, and they stare at each other and then lock up. Page goes crazy with some forearm shots. A clothesline to Page, then Page dropkicks him. A sidelock takeover to Drake now. Drake is up and tosses Page. Chops to Page who was going to kick Drake. Page reverses it. Drake tries to go for a powerbomb, but Page gets the best of him. This is Page's first "Collision" match, the commentators say.


Back from the break, Page goes for the cover after hitting a big crossbody and gets a two-count. Page hits him hard, but Drake isn't going down. He chops Page. Page tries to go for a lariat, but it turns into a Death Valley Driver and a two-count. A cannonball to Page and Drake goes to the top rope but misses Page. A moonsault to Anthony Henry, who tried to ruin the match and save his partner. Page hits Buckshot Lariat for the win.

Winner: Adam Page

Deonna Purrazzo Vs. Red Velvet, Hook in Action

The bell rings, a lock up, and then the test of strength. An armbar, but Velvet tries to for a kick and misses. A kick to Purrazzo. Armbar to Velvet, but she makes it to the ropes. A baseball slide dropkick to Velvet. The crowd is chanting for Velvet. Velvet is showing a lot of offense to the former TNA Knockouts Champion. 


Strikes to Purrazzo then an armbar submission. Purrazzo gets up and chops to Velvet. A knee to the midsection. Velvet hits a pump kick, and Purrazzo hits her with a big pump kick. First just an arm bar, then Purrazzo puts her in the Venus Milo and wins.

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo 

Had an internet interruption, but Hook appears to have won his match. 

Main Event: House of Black Vs. FTR & Daniel Garcia

Please note: Having internet issues, so there are gaps in the coverage. Sorry for the inconvenience.

It's main event time. The bell rings, and Harwood and Matthews lock up. Loud chops to Matthews and the guillotine leg drop. FTR does a double catapult to Matthews. It's now Wheeler and Matthews in the ring. Garcia tags in and now it's Malakai Black. A takedown to an armbar. Garcia taunts Black and sits down like he usually does. It looks like Black was going to dance, but then flips him off. Everyone is in the ring now. Dropkicks to Matthews. Now it's just King in the ring and the three take him down. They mimic House of Black and sit down. Flipping off the three opponents who are standing outside of the ring.


Commercial break.

Back from the break, Garcia is in the ring with Matthews.

Commercial break.

Back from the break, Harwood is trying to get out of the corner and tag in one of his two partners. Matthews gets a two-count. Almost a kick, but Harwood stops it, and then a DDT to Matthews. Matthews tags in Black and then Garcia gets tagged in. He slugs it out with Black. A kick in the face to Matthews. Garcia throws Black in the barricade. King has him in the hold, but he gets out of it. Everyone is after Garcia.

House of Black Wins

. A dragonscrew to Black and then a brainbuster for a two-count. Wheeler had saved him from the other two. Black tries to win with a rollup.King rolls in the ring. A chokeslam, nope, Garcia puts him in the Guillotine choke. FTR comes and saves him. A triple ten piledriver. Matthews saves King. Lots of slams and kicks.


It's time for the House of Black to do the superplex, but Wheeler gets out of it and saves his partner. Garica saves himself. A big bulldog from the top to Black, but Harwood only gets a two-count. This match is intense.

Matthews tosses Wheeler off the top rope. Garcia takes his place, but Black puts up his knees

and Garcia is hurt. A kneebar to Wheeler, but he gets to the ropes. Garcia gets attacked outside as does Wheeler. It's just Harwood and Black in the ring. Matthews does it up and tags himself in. Black does a moonsault from the top rope. Matthews powerbombs Harwood, Harwood counters, and gets a two-count.

Curb stomp to Harwood from Matthews for the win.

Winners: House of Black

Post-match: FTR and Garcia save Daddy Magic (who was on commentary) and they get the best of them.

