AEW Collision Results 1/6 - Sting In Action, FTR Vs. The House Of Black

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of the January 6 episode of "AEW Collison." It's the first "Collision" episode of the year and it comes from the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina.


Tonight Sting will be in action along with Darby Allin to face The Workhorsemen (JD Drake and Anthony Henry). Meanwhile, Eddie Kingston will be putting up his AEW Continental Crown Title against Trent Beretta.

Also, FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) will finally get their hands on the House of Black (Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews) after weeks of harassment from the stable. Adam Copeland will be responding to Christian Cage's promo from this past Wednesday's episode of "Dynamite."

Tonight's show opens up with Ric Flair coming out and then Sting and Darby Allin follow.

Sting & Darby Allin Vs. The Workhorsemen

Before the bell even rings, Anthony Henry attacks Darby Allin. JD Drake goes to attack Sting, and Sting chops him, as does Flair. Henry keeps attacking Allin and then tosses him in the ring. The Ref finally rings the bell.


Drake tags himself in and hits a flying headbutt to Allin, getting a two-count. Drake tags in Henry. Henry hits the backstabber, he also gets a two-count. Drake is tagged in again. Chops to Allin. The crowd is chanting, "We want Sting." Drake hits Sting and he falls off the apron. Drake misses a moonsault, Sting hits a Stinger Splash. Another one to Henry and he gets tossed outside of the ring. Allin goes to the top and hits a coffin drop. Sting grabs Drake and wins with the Scorpion Death Drop.

Winners: Darby Allin and Sting.

Post-match, Flair gets in the ring with them. The crowd is going wild with all three of them in the ring. They get out of the ring and pose with the crowd.

Video package airs of Allin and Konosuke Takeshita's match from last Wednesday. The commentators talk about next week's "Dynamite."


AEW Continental Crown Title Match: Eddie Kingston (c) Vs.Trent Beretta

The bell rings, and the two men lock up. Beretta moves away and stares at Kingston. They lock up again. Kingston goes crazy on Beretta with the chops. Beretta hits a tornado DDT, goes for a pin, and only gets a one-count. Kingston is in the corner of the ring now and this time Beretta hits him with the chops. It changes quickly, Kingston chops Beretta in the face. He is out of the ring now. Beretta's nose is bleeding. The commentators say that he probably broke it. Kingston is now out of the ring and goes after Beretta.


Back from the break, they are back in the ring. More chops to Beretta, while his mom Sue, looks on worried. His face is a crimson mask now. Beretta gets a dropkick in and Kingston is out of the ring. He rolls Kingston in and is on the top rope. Kingston follows him and headbutts Beretta. Beretta goes for a powerbomb and gets a two-count.

The Exploder and a DDT for a two-count. Beretta had kicked out. Beretta is now doing German suplexes to the champion. Beretta hits a big knee and The Gotch Style Piledrive for a two-count. Kingston goes back to his infamous chops, but Beretta goes for forearm shots. A half and half, and Beretta goes for a lariat, but Kingston counters with an Exploder. Northern Lights and Kingston retains his title.


Winner: Eddie Kingston

Backstage now with Tony Schiavone talking with Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander. Nightingale says she wants to keep rolling with her tag team partner. Statlander agrees. She has a lizard on her.

Proving Ground Match: Matt Taven & Mike Bennett Vs. Bryan Keith & Komander

Back from the break, a video promo airs of Hook saying that he is coming for AEW World Champion Samoa Joe.

Tag Team action with Komander and Bryan Keith and their opponents are —- the ROH Tag Team Title Champions Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. Kevin Kelly says it's a proving ground match, which means Keith and Komander could get a future shot at the ROH Tag Team Titles.


The bell rings, it's Bennett and Komander in the ring. Taven tags in throws Komander around, and then hits a backbreaker. Taven goes for the cover and gets a two-count. Komander has some offense with an enzuigiri. Keith tags in and boot to the face. He repeatedly kicks Taven. Bennett tags in, but Keith is unaware. Commercial break.

Back from the break, Taven is in the ring again. He faceplants Keith down to the mat and gets a two-count. Bennett tags in and chops him. Keith then kicks Bennett and tosses him in the ring corner. Komander is tagged in and Taven. Komander hits a crossbody from the top and a DDT to Taven. He then knocks down Bennett. Keith headbutts Taven. Komander uses Keith's shoulders to hit a superplex on Taven. Bennett gets knocked down again. Komander and Keith do teamwork again and Komander flies on top of the challengers.


Back in the ring, Taven was close to losing, but Bennett saves his partner. A running knee, a double-team powerbomb, and the Undisputed Kingdom win. 

Winners: Matt Taven and Mike Bennett

Renee is talking to Bullet Club Gold, she asks about The Acclaimed and they come out. They start arguing. Bowens tells everyone to calm down. He talks about factions and wants them to think about joining a faction with them. Austin says it makes sense.

Adam Copeland Speaks, Copeland Faces Griff Garrison

Copeland comes out. He talks about being in the back of the line for a chance at the TNT Title. He says that he works harder than Christian Cage. He says that he's going to start to earn his title shot. He says that he is ready to fight. Cole Karter, Griff Garrison, and Maria come out. Garrison has the mic, he says that he's a guy who steps up to the plate to face a Hall of Famer. Copeland says he likes him. Garrison slaps him and he says now he is going to have to beat his a**. The bell rings.


Chops to Garrison in the ring corner. Kicks and forearms. Garrison is getting slaughtered by Copeland. Copeland is going for the spear, but she stops him. Karter trips Copeland and Garrison finally gets some offense. A hammer throw in the corner. Copeland is in a headlock now. Copeland breaks out of it, but Copeland hits thrown face first in the mat and Garrison gets a two-count.

Faceplanter to Copeland. He uses the top rope has a guillotine. Goes to the top, hits a crossbody, but Garrison kicks out. A big shot to Copeland, drops him, and Garrison goes crazy, he goes for the pin, but doesn't get a three-count.

Headbutts repeatedly to Garrison and Copeland looks for a superplex. He hits an avalanche suplex, then drops Garrison face first, and wins with a submission hold.


Winner: Adam Copeland

Post-match, Carter attacks Copeland with a dropkick. He goes for a 450, but misses, and Copeland spears him.

Skye Blue Vs. Kiera Hogan

The bell rings, Blue and Hogan lock up. Blue drops her to the mat. A side headlock to Hogan. Hogan slaps Blue, then hits a drop toehold, and a hip attack. Roundhouse kick. Hogan goes for it again, but misses. Blue hits her with an elbow shot in the back of the head. Commercial break.


Back from the ring, Blue is stomping on Hogan. She goes to the second rope, but a thrust kick from Hogan sends her to the mat. A dropkick to Blue. A neckbreaker, Hogan gets a two-count. Chops to Blue, who gets out of the corner of the ring. She kicks Hogan in the head, picks her up, but decides to not hit a liger powerbomb, but does a thrust kick instead. A TKO to a Dragon Sleeper, making Hogan tap out and Blue the winner.

Winner: Skye Blue

A video package airs about Serena Deeb's in-ring comeback.

Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Andrew Everett

Before the match starts, a video airs about Castagnoli wanting to fight Hangman Adam Page.

Everett was in the ring already, he hits him with a dropkick, but Castagnoli barely moved. He bodyslams Everett. He does it again. Outside of the ring now, Everett is thrown into the timekeeper's table.


Back in the ring, he does the giant swing. Everett was going to kick him, but misses, and he hits the ring corner. Everett trips again. He does get a leg lariat it in. Another kick that sends Castagnoli to his knees. He's on the top rope, Castagnoli was waiting for him. A King Kong lariat for the win.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli

Backstage with Lexy Nair. She is interviewing Ricky Starks and Big Bill. Starks talks about Sammy Guevara and him having a first singles match next week. Bill wants to defend the AEW Tag Team Titles next Saturday in a street fight against Guevara and Chris Jericho.

Main Event: FTR Vs. The House of Black

The match starts between Harwood and Murphy. Harwood punches Murphy's head after Murphy pushes him. Wheeler tags himself in. Murphy turns around to look at Black, who doesn't look like he's going to tag in.


They lock up. Murphy has him to the mat. A drop-toe hold and a dragon twist, and then they team up. It's now Harwood and Black. Black looks for kicks, but Harwood is too quick. Black sits down, then Harwood sits down too, and flips him off. Black runs out of the ring and goes towards the crowd, where Harwood's daughter is. Both Harwood and Wheeler run to them. Black and Murphy are sitting in the ring now, while FTR is outside of it. It cuts to a commercial break now.

Back from the break, FTR is double-teaming and goes for the elbow. Murphy is in the ring. A shoulder tackle. Murphy tags in Black. A slide dropkick and Black gets a one-count. Wheeler gets tagged in and goes right to black. He tosses him in the corner of the ring. Murphy though behind the ref's back attacks Wheeler, then Black hits a moonsault.


Kicks to Wheeler and then he is rolled into the ring. Black goes for a pin and gets a two-count. Murphy is tagged in. He kicks Wheeler in the head. They keep tagging themselves in and out. Wheeler sends Black and Murphy out of the ring. Murphy tries to hit Wheeler, he misses, then Black comes back in the ring, but Wheeler hits the enziguri. He is so close to tagging in Harwood, but Harwood gets knocked off the ring apron.

Commercial break

FTR Win, House of Black destroys them

Back from the break, an arm drag, standing switch, brainbuster — Harwood has taken over this match. Murphy though tries to hold him while Black hits him, but he gets out of it. Murphy and Black try to team against him again, but Wheeler drags out Murphy. Black cracks Harwood with a knee. It's double team time for FTR. A suplex and a splash. Murphy does a big knee from the top ropes. All four men are down.


They are all back up. House of Black goes after Wheeler and he is thrown on the table. It's now just Harwood in the ring going against them. Black gets distracted by talking to Harwood's family. Wheeler is back, they hit the Shatter Express, but Black saves Murphy from a three-count. Kicks now to Wheeler on the ring apron. A spiked double-team pile driver to Black. The crowd is chanting, "Holy Sh**. Brody King comes out. Daniel Garcia runs out with a chair and he hits him. He is giving FTR a pep talk. This is insane! A stomp to Harwood, but his foot is in the rope and breaks the count. Murphy is annoyed. Murphy does a pick up, but Harwood reverses the pin for the win.

Winners: FTR

Post-match, FTR and Garcia celebrate until House of Black attacks them. Curb stomp to Wheeler on the steel chair. They put a chair on Harwood and Black hits a spin kick. Julia Hart is there now she's ringing the bell with a smile on her face. It's a ten-bell salute.  House of Black are standing tall in the ring and the crowd does chant their names. The show ends. 

