JR Comments On The Rock's Surprising Return To WWE Raw, Possible WrestleMania Match

With The Rock's recent return to WWE, all signs seem to be pointing toward an imminent feud with Roman Reigns, but will the two clash at the upcoming "Elimination Chamber" or this year's "WrestleMania?" According to Jim Ross during his "Grilling JR" podcast, "The Grandest Stage of Them All" is the obvious destination.


Rock will obviously have to do something more after simply showing up, but Ross noted he was surprised to see the veteran go straight after Reigns. "I was kind of surprised that he was back in the hunt for a sport, but we'll see how it works out." Ross then added he's always been a fan of Rock, and that he's been involved in the "People's Champion's" career since the beginning. However, he pointed out that Rock's appearance is a big deal. "Anytime you get some time from The Rock, that's a win. Now, how they get to the end result? The end result's got to be WrestleMania, obviously, that's not gonna take a strategist to work out."

Continuing, Ross noted that while a feud with Reigns is perfect, fans of Cody Rhodes might not be happy about this potential outcome. "It might not do the Cody Rhodes fans a lot of favorites, because I still think some people are a little miffed that Roman beat Cody at the last WrestleMania." He noted that winning the "Elimination Chamber" could be a path to WrestleMania for Rock, but questioned whether WWE could get him to commit to such a lengthy period of time away from Hollywood.


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