Daniel Garcia Scores Big Win In Eight-Man Tag Match To Open AEW Worlds End

Kicking off tonight's AEW Worlds End pay-per-view main card, a wild flurry of finisher-after-finisher culminated in Daniel Garcia on top, avoiding Jay Lethal's Lethal Injection to score the pinfall and give his team the victory.


In an eight-man scrap that featured tons of high spots and signature moves from all involved, Garcia, Claudio Castagnoli, Bryan Danielson, and Mark Briscoe prevailed over Brody King, Jay Lethal, Jay White, and RUSH in a match that seemed to pique the interest of the Nassau Coliseum crowd, featuring the also-rans from the inaugural Continental Classic.

Castagnoli and RUSH set the pace with a hard-hitting exchange featuring forearm strikes and a nasty lariat from Castagnoli. Lethal and Briscoe engaged in a series of chops to further pop the crowd before White and Danielson joined, with White ultimately escaping a LeBell Lock attempt from "The American Dragon."

As the match's end drew near, the action came fast and furious. Briscoe hit a fisherman's bomb from which White was able to kick out. Lethal superplexed Briscoe before finding Castagnoli for a tag. Castagnoli then slapped on the Giant Swing before Danielson thwarted that with a dropkick. The respective finishers followed before Garcia was able to reverse a Lethal Injection from Lethal into a pin attempt that scored the 1-2-3.

