WWE Hall Of Famer Mick Foley Discusses His Santa-Dressed Cameo At Recent Indie Event

Mick Foley has portrayed Santa Claus on more than one occasion, both inside and outside of the wrestling ring. While his most famous outing as Santa is arguably when he saved John Cena from Alberto Del Rio, he recently portrayed a "cheap" version of the character in a brief appearance at ICW No Holds Barred.


During a recent episode of his "Foley is Pod" podcast, the veteran explained what made his appearance at ICW different from any other time he dressed up as Santa. "When I did my run-in, I was a guy wearing a suit, wearing a cheap party suit. So, I'm not hitting the ring as Santa, I'm a guy dressed as Santa."

According to Foley, there's a "Santa Clause Oath" that all Santa representatives take, and delivering his trademark Double Arm DDT as Kris Kringle would violate said oath, but he found a loophole via the quality of the Santa outfit. 

"I was just a wrestler in a cheap Santa suit," Foley explained. "I wasn't actually portraying the guy."

Additionally, Foley claimed he is on good terms with the owner of ICW, and that his appearance was to make a difference in the promotion. He noted that he got an exhilarating feeling while competing, despite it being in front of a small crowd. "No matter how long you've been away, if you get a big enough pop from 200 people it can sound like 20,000."


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