AEW Collision Results 12/16 - Orange Cassidy Defends International Title, Bryan Danielson In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of the December 16 episode of "AEW Collison. It's Collision's version of the "Winter is Coming" special. This week's episode comes from the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas.


There will be three AEW Continental Classic Blue League matches tonight — Daniel Garcia will be facing Eddie Kingston, Bryan Danielson is in action against Brody King, and Claudio Castagnoli versus Andrade El Idolo.

Also, Orange Cassidy will defend the AEW International Title against Bryan Keith. Keith was part of the match for the vacated ROH Television Title match this past Friday at Final Battle. "The Bounty Hunter" was trained at WWE Hall of Famer Booker T's Promotion, Reality of Wrestling

AEW Continental Classic Match: Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Andrade El Idolo

The show opens up with Idolo vs. Castagnoli. The match starts with Castagnoli and Idolo locking up. They try to knock each other over with shoulder tackles. Castagnoli hits a European Uppercut. Idolo poses in the ropes. Idolo runs right into the standing clothesline.


Castagnoli goes for the big swing but Idolo is too quick for him. He's out of the ring and comes back in with Castagnoli attacking him. Now a hurricanrana and a kick to Idolo. Idolo tries to fly but misses his opponent. Castagnoli hits another European Uppercut. He now has Idolo in the ring corner. More uppercuts. Castagnoli misses and a dragon screws.

Our First Commercial break.

Back from the break, Idolo gets hit with a back elbow. Idolo bodyslams then hits a lariat to Castagnoli. Idolo holds his left knee but then poses. He misses and then Castagnoli does the giant swing. He then goes for the sharpshooter. Idolo gets out of it and reverses it in a figure four. Castagnoli makes it to the ropes and the leglock is broken.


A headbutt from Castagnoli, they are both ropes. Idolo is now on the top rope and he hits an avalanche powerbomb for a two-count. Idolo goes back to the ropes, but an uppercut to Idolo then a superplex. Idolo reverses it and the crowd goes wild. He is looking for the Three Amigos but doesn't get it. A big boot to Castagnoli. Back elbows, pumpkicks, and chops. A back elbow to the back of the head and gets a two-count. Idolo is in the corner of the ring. Forearm shots. A hammerlock. Idolo is on the top roe, but he catches the exposed turnbuckle on his knee. The ref fixes it and Castagnoli knees him in the crotch and then hits a neutralizer.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli

Abadon Vs. Jasmine Allure, Thunder Rosa Returns

A video package airs what happened last Wednesday for the Gold League in the tournament.

Abadon vs. Jazmin Allure

Abadon comes out to the ring. Her opponent is already in the ring. Abadon goes for the attack and repeatedly punches the face of Allure. Allure kicks Abadon, and then Abadon kicks her. Abandon wins the match with the Black Dahlia. It was a squash match.


Winner: Abadon

Post-match, it goes black. The lights turn back on and Julia Hart appears. Hart puts the AEW TBS Title in front of Abadon, who then goes and attacks her. They fight in the ring. Abadon hits a knee to the head and grabs the TBS Title, but Skye Blue is behind her! They stare down each other. They both look at Hart, then attack Abadon. They both now are attacking Abadon. Thunder Rosa, who was on the Spanish announce table, runs in the ring and helps Abadon. The crowd goes crazy. They stare at each other and the crowd chants "Welcome back." Rosa and Abadon shake hands. It was the first time that Rosa was in the ring since last year.

Backstage with Renee with the Acclaimed. Daddy A** is angry. Max Caster says that he doesn't want to be friends with MJF because he didn't care that they got attacked by the Devil. Anthony Bowens says they are going to get back to being the best d**n trios champions. Dante and Darius Martin plus Action Andretti come out and say they want a match. They agree and it's set for next Saturday.


AEW International Title Match: Orange Cassidy (c) Vs. Bryan Keith

The bell rings. Cassidy and Keith lock up. A shoulder tackle to Cassidy and another shoulder tackle. Cassidy jumps over Keith and he puts his hands in his pants. Keith chops him. Cassidy hits the ropes and kicks Keith. Chops to Cassidy and he gets thrown in the ring corner. Cassidy punches him in the face. A headbutt to Cassidy. A big kick to Cassidy. Commercial break.


Back from the break, Cassidy hits a Tornado DDT to Keith. He then crashes into Keith into the guardrail. Keith is back in the ring and Cassidy is on the top rope. Keith follows him. Cassidy knocks him down with big forearm shots. Keith gets up quickly and a leaping headbutt to Cassidy. An exploder on the top rope, then a running knee, and Cassidy counters with a face break and gets a two-count.

Cassidy does his classic kicks, but Keith hits Cassidy. He hits a stunner and gets a two-count. Cassidy takes him down and gets the three-count for the win.

Winner and still the AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy.

Post-match, Cassidy puts his hand out and Keith pushes it away and gives him the tip of his hat for respect.


Tony Schiavone speaks about the late Brodie Lee and says they are always thinking about his family.

A video package airs about Miro and then cuts to a commercial.

FTR & House of Black Segment

Backstage with Lexy Nair talking to Komander. The Kingdom and Roderick Strong interrupt the interview. Strong says Komander is his next victim.

FTR's music plays and they come out to the ring. Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler have mics. The crowd is chanting "FTR." Wheeler starts out calling out the House of Black. He says that House of Black are jealous of their success. He calls them, "unrealized potential." He also says that Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black are also jealous of Brody King and Hart for their success.


Harwood now has the mic. He says they won't ever back down to a fight. Their mics stop working and the lights go out. Backstage with Matthews and Black. Matthews says nobody has their backs. He says who loves Wheeler? He says they love him and they welcome both of them to be in their family.

Black now is talking, he says this isn't personal. They have to prove a point. Nobody came to save them and they didn't lie. They have a picture of Harwood's wife and daughter and they burn it. Black says it's "symbolic" and says like it or not, we are your family now.

Tag Team Texas Street Fight Match: Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale Vs. Diamante & Mercedes Martinez

The match starts with all four women attacking each other. Nightingale gets a glass bottle smashed over her head. Statlander kicks Diamante and then slams her head in the barbed wire bat. Statlander saves Nightingale, who is bleeding.


Nightingale and Statlander grab the steel steps and throw Diamante onto them. A mini ladder gets tossed at Martinez. Nightingale goes for the pin and gets a two-count. Nightingale bodyslams Diamante. Martinez hits Nightingale in the back with a tire iron. She gets tossed into her tag team partner.

Martinez hits a hurricanrana to Nightingale, who lands into the steel chairs. Commercial break.

Back from the break, Nightingale is hanging on the ropes. She hits hit in the head with a road sign. Nightingale tries to fight back and knocks them into each other. Martinez is out of the ring. Nightingale almost gets hit with the plywood. A paintbrush. She throws Diamante onto the board and then grabs it and hits her with it.


Martinez and Statlander are now in the ring. Diamante is hitting Statlander with the briefcase. The briefcase has glass and thumbtacks in it. Martinez puts Statlander's face into it. A lead pipe to Nightingale. A powerbomb.

Nightingale picks up Martinez and was trying to do a Death Valley driver. Nightingale gets kicked and power slammed into the table. It was a group effort from both Martinez and Statlander has a chain wrapped around her arm and hits Diamante with it for the win.

Winners: Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale

Post-match, Statlander helps her tag team partner.

Backstage with the AEW Women's Champion Timeless Toni Storm. Maria May says her first match will be happening soon. She wants Storm to be a commentator but says she's too busy.

Adam Copeland is talking backstage about his feud with Christan Cage.

Brian Cage In Action, Eddie Kingston Vs. Daniel Garcia

Brian Cage comes out and his opponent is in the ring. His name is Kerry Wright? A lot of suplexes him. Cage uses him as a weight. A powerbomb and then the Drill Claw for the win.

Winner: Brian Cage

Before the commercial break, it was announced that the next match is the Continental match between Garica and Kingston. Back from the break, Nair interviews the Mogul Embassy. Keith Lee interrupts them.


Now it's Kingston Vs. Garcia. The bell rings. Garcia is in the corner of the ring and the ref makes Kingston break his hold. Chops now to Kingston, and then Kingston does the same. A dragon screw off the apron and Kingston finds himself face-first on the floor. He hit hard, but still manages to roll back in the ring.

Garcia keeps stomping on his knee. Kingston picks up Garcia and drops him. A DDT to Garcia. Back from the break. Kingston and Machine Gun chops to Garcia. Garcia starts to dance and more chops. The ref stops him. Garcia starts to dance again when he is lying out on the mat.

Kingston is now in the corner and Garcia hits rapid shots. A dragon screw legwhip. Garcia has an anklelock to Kingston. Kingston breaks the hold. A German suplex and a two-count. Now Garcia hits a suplex and another. He gets a two-count. Kingston saves himself from a sharpshooter. A spinning back fist and Kingston gets the win. Now Garcia is out of the tournament.


Winner: Eddie Kingston

AEW Continental Classic Match: Bryan Danielson Vs. Brody King

The main event and it's King Vs. Danielson in the AEW Continental Classic tournament.

Danielson starts off the match with a kick to King. Another kick, but King has him in the corner. King misses a chop and gets kicked again. King gets Danielson back in the corner and hits his eye.


Chops to Danielson and he goes back to the eye. Chops again and then a cannonball to Danielson. He is holding onto his eye. Paul Turner checks him over. King repeatedly slams his head into the announce table. Then shoves him into the barricade. A forearm to his jaw. He puts him on a chair, chops him, then a crossbody.

Back from the break, King is still in control of the match. They are back out of the ring. He was going to do the crossbody again, but he tripped. A knee to King's face. Danielson is on the top and hits a shotgun dropkick. Danielson does another kick. King's knee is the target. Danielson puts him on the top rope, but he is the one that gets hurt. Danielson has him in a single crab. King escapes it.


More kicks to King. Punches to Danielson, who is bleeding. Danielson goes back to the kicks. He gets King down finally. He covers him and gets only a two-count. Hammer and anvil elbows. A psycho knee, but King kicks out at a one-count. The crowd goes wild.

Once again back to the kicks. King is on his knees. A clothesline to King and a two-count. A rollup by Danielson gets a two-count. Another psycho knee and another one. He's going for a third one, this time to the back of the head for the win. King was very close to a kick out though.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

