AEW Collision Results 12/9 - Kenny Omega Vs. Ethan Page, Continental Classic Goes On

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of the December 9 episode of "AEW Collison." This week's episode comes from the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Just like last Saturday, the Blue League section of the AEW Continental is in action — this time Bryan Danielson will face Andrade El Idolo, while Claudio Castagnoli will face Eddie Kingston.


Ethan Page will be in action in an AEW ring since August, he will be facing Kenny Omega. Page called him out last week. Also, Willow Nightingale will be in action against former ROH Women's Champion Mercedes Martinez. A segment with HOOK was also announced for tonight's card.

The show kicks off with Kingston versus Castagnoli.

AEW Continental Match:Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Eddie Kingston

The match starts with a big kick from Castagnoli, Kingston then goes for the attack. The crowd is chanting for Eddie. Chops to Castagnoli. Castagnoli hits the neutralizer to Kingston and gets a two-count. Clothesline to Kingston and he falls outside of the ring.


The referee counts to four, then Castagnoli goes out and rolls him back in the ring. Big double stomp to Kingston's chest. Kicks to Kingston, and then he gets up and chomps to Castagnoli. Sharpshooter applied to Kingston. Kingston finally breaks after he gets to the ropes. Strikes to Kingston in the corner. Missile drop kick and a two-count for Castagnoli. Kingston gets up and strikes Castagnoli, he is tipsy. A big chop and Kingston falls. He is hurting. More kicks and now Kingston is in the corner. Kingston is trying to get to the top rope, but Castagnoli keeps on the attack.

Commercial break.

Back from the break, both men are up. Kingston though is back on the ground and a cover for a two-count. Two clubbing clotheslines in a row. A belly-to-belly. Kingston hits an enzuigiri. Missile kicks. Some chops to Castagnoli then a short jab to the jaw. Kingston hits the lariat, and covers Castagnoli, but only gets a two-count. Kingston tries to hit a piledriver but can't. Castagnoli has him in a crossface, and Kingston tries to get to the ropes. He is finally able. Castagnoli goes for the Ricola but misses. They exchange rapid shots back and forth.


Three minutes remain in the match. Kingston goes for a piledriver, and Castagnoli drops to the knee. Kingston reverses the pin from Castagnoli's pin attempt and gets his first win in the tournament.

Winner: Eddie Kingston

Willow Nightingale Vs. Mercedes Martinez

Back from the break, HOOK is backstage with Renee. Wheeler Yuta interrupts the interview. Yuta wants a match with HOOK and he says yes. It will be FTW rules.

Next up is Nightingale vs. Martinez. The bell rings and the two lock up. Martinez tosses Nightingale in the corner. Nightingale calls out Diamante who came out with Martinez, she is distracted and gets hit by Martinez. A sentai splash to Martinez, who rolls out of the ring. Diamante helps her. Nightingale is distracted again and is driven spine-first into the edge of the ring. Martinez throws Nightingale into the barriers. Martinez uses the timekeepers' table to hit a DDT.


Commercial break.

Back from the break, Martinez tries to do the three amigos. Nightingale goes for the top rope, she hits Martinez, then attacks her with the powerbomb. Diamante distracts Nightingale to give some time. Nightingale barely kicks out. Several drivers. Nightingale wins with a rollup after Martinez hits her with her finisher. Post-match, she and Diamante attack her. They are using a mini ladder to attack her. Kris Statlander comes out from behind with a chain wrapped in her fist.

Winner: Willow Nightingale

Backstage with Renee Young interviewing Daddy Magic and Cool Ang. Jake Hager is also there, though he leaves quickly because he's upset over his hat. After the interview, Ruby Soho is seen by Cool Ang. An upset Sarray comes over by Soho; she's upset with her being in "love" with Cool Ang. She says she is going to leave her just like Toni Storm did. She has to prove herself next week in her match against Rhio.


Back from the break, Swerve Strickland speaks about being a leader of the Continental Classic. He says that he does all the violent stuff that his opponent, Jon Moxley does.

Willie Mack Vs. Wardlow

It's now Wardlow vs. Willie Mack. The crowd chants Wardlow's name. The bell rings, and they lock up, but Wardlow pushes him off. A dropkick to Mack. Mack is in the corner match now and Wardlow is repeatedly hitting him with his shoulder.


They are outside now. Mack goes for the top rope. Back in the ring. Wardlow goes for Mack Moonsault to Wardlow with a one-count. Wardlow catches Mack in midair and power slams him down. A clothesline to Mack. He wins the match with the Symphony of Destruction. Mack is knocked out and Wardlow wins the match. The match happened because Mack is friends with AR Fox.

Winner: Wardlow via Knockout

Kenny Omega Vs. Ethan Page

The bell rings and they shake hands. They do the test of the strength, Omega has him in a waistlock. Then a headlock. Omega hits a shoulder block. Page hits an elbow in the chest. He has Omega in the corner. Omega hits a Hurricanrana. Omega is about to do his Terminator move. Page stops him with a dive into a cutter. They are outside of the ring. Omega hits the Aoi Shoudou. Omega does a moonsault by the timekeeper table off the top of the guardrail.


Back in the ring. Page hits a scoop slam. The commentators keep saying that he's hurting. He was attacked last Thursday on "ROH on HonorClub" by Tony Nese, who was watching the match.

Commercial break.

Back from the break, Page goes for the cutter, but misses Omega. Omega hits the V-trigger and gets a two-count. He goes for it again but Page moves. Standing switch. Omega goes for the top rope, but Page takes him down. A DDT to Omega. A snapdragon to Page. Omega is on the top rope with Page. Page covers him after hitting an avalanche Powerslam. Omega was going to the one-winged angel but Page does a rollup. Two v-triggers and now the one-winged angel for the win.

Winner: Kenny Omega

Post-match, Big Bill hits a big bootkick to Omega. Page runs to help, but Big Bill is already gone.


Backstage with Lexy Nair and CJ Perry. Perry is bragging about Idolo. Miro interrupts the interview. 

Matt Menard & Angelo Parker Vs. Penta el Zero Miedo & Komander

The match starts with Menard and Miedo. The crowd is going crazy for "Daddy Magic." Miedo takes his glove off and then kicks Menard right in the face. Another kick. Lariats. Leg trip, but Penta is back up. Komander tags in, and Parker tags in two. The two go at it. Arm drags to Parker. Miedo is back in the ring, a big right hand, then a kick to Parker. Menard is in. A catapult to both Parker and Menard. A double dive.


Commercial break.

Back from the break, double team action, and baseball slides, they miss Menard and Parker. It's a fast-paced match and the crowd is chanting, "This is awesome." Menard gets the sharpshooter in, but it's later broken. Komander and Miedo team together and hit the Fear Factor. Komander gets the pin for the team.

Winners: Penta el Zero Miedo & Komander

A video package about Shane Taylor and Keith Lee's feud airs. 

AEW Continental Match: Andrade El Idolo Vs. Bryan Danielson

It's time for the main event match between Idolo and Danielson. The bell rings and the two shake hands. They lock up. Idolo has him in an arm lock, but Danielson reverses it. Idolo tries to go for the figure four lock, but Danielson moves too quickly. The two do the test of strength.


A knuckle lock and Danielson flips out of it. A side headlock to Danielson now. Breaks out of it, but Idolo goes back to it. Once again the sidehead lock. A shoulder block to Danielson. A two-count. Danielson is holding his eye. He gets up and tries to work on Idolo's left arm. Then some chops, pushes, and kicks. A dragon screw whip and a forearm right to the orbital bone. Idolo hits the turnbuckles after Danielson moves. Danielson dives but he hits the turnbuckles too and both men are hurting.

Commercial break.

Back from the break, both men are in the ring and Idolo had ripped Danielson's eye patch off, during the break. He's bleeding. Idolo is repeatedly chopping him. Idolo has blood on his forearm after he hit the spinning back elbow. Idolo has him in a submission move, but Danielson gets to the rope. His leg is hurting.


Andrade El Idolo Wins

A thumb to the Danielson's eye. They are both on the ropes. Danielson headbutts Idolo. They exchange strikes. Danielson goes to the top and hits a shotgun dropkick. Danielson kicks Idolo, who is on his knees. Idolo moves, he then goes for the roll-up, but Danielson tries to get the lebell lock in. Idolo tries for the figure four, but Danielson is too quick.


Once again both men are exchanging rights and lefts. Idolo tosses Danielson in the ring corner after putting him in a submission move. Five minutes remaining. The three amigos, he goes for the cover and gets a two-count. Danielson catches him, a belly-to-belly suplex, and Danielson gets a two-count. It's the lebell lock again. Idolo breaks the holds. Spinning back elbow and it was nearly a three-count to Idolo. Three minutes remain. Exchange shots. Danielson goes for his kicks. Another spinning back elbow again. Idolo goes for the bleeding eye. Hammerlock DDT for the win for Idolo.

Winner: Andrade El Idolo

Post-match, Yuta and Castagnoli come out. Castagnoli kicks Idolo out, who was just checking in on Danielson. Everyone is concerned for Danielson. The show ends with him in the ring being checked over.

