Why WWE Hall Of Famer Booker T Thought He'd Be Retired From Wrestling At 30

If Booker T had stuck by his plan to retire from the ring by the age of 30, fans would have never witnessed any of his five reigns as WCW World Heavyweight Champion, his memorable run as King Booker, or even his stint as a member of Main Event Mafia. Thankfully, Booker found ways to prolong his career and fill it with many memorable moments into his 30s, 40s, and even 50s. 


"You know I thought my run was going to be over," Booker told "The Kurt Angle Show" as he recalled the night WWE acquired WCW. "I started planning to retire when I was 30 when I was like, 'Man I know this thing is not gonna last forever.' But somehow, I've figured it out. I've always known that it's not about me, I've always known that in the wrestling game, you're never gonna be on top all the time. It goes in cycles." 

As that realization dawned upon him, Booker figured out he had to find ways to "stay relevant," which required him to work closely with his younger peers who were keeping his name alive. As an example, Booker cited Bad Bunny writing a song about him that won a Grammy. "My Latin contingency on my Twitter is off the chains, dawg. It's amazing!" 


Booker believes his mindset, at the start of his career, also helped with his longevity. "I wasn't one of those who rested on my laurels. I never thought about being a World Champion," he admitted. "I just wanted to be the best guy in the locker room ... When I grew up in the ghetto, I never saw myself wrestling, but once I got into a wrestling ring, I just wanted to be the best. And when you look back on my name, I wanted to be remembered with the greats. And somehow, I've done that [laughs]."

