WWE Hall Of Famer Kurt Angle Reflects On Sister Le'Anne's Death From Drug Overdose

As someone who dealt with severe drug addiction himself, Kurt Angle was well aware of the demons his late sister, Le'Anne, had to try and overcome during her issues with substance abuse. Unfortunately, Angle couldn't rescue her from succumbing to a drug overdose in 2003. In a recent interview with "True Geordie", the Olympic gold medalist was asked if he's been able to forgive himself for not saving his sister from her demise. 


"Yeah, I have," Angle responded. "It was hard for me to do, but I look back, and I realize [that] I didn't have a choice. My sister kinda put me in that situation; she wasn't gonna stop. She was lying to me, even as I continued to aid her drug addiction ... even though I thought I was paying for her bills. It was one of those things where I gave her one last warning, and I said, 'Listen, you can't do this anymore. You've gotta stay clean and stop using my money for drugs.' And she continued to. It was really sad, because I made her move up here to Pittsburgh, and she relapsed again. That's when I decided I was going to talk to her anymore."

Upon cutting ties with his sister, Angle's ultimatum to her was quite straightforward — either get clean or be on her own. Sadly, he would never speak to her again, as Le'Anne died during their estrangement. "That's when she died; that's why I felt so guilty. It's hard on me to this day, but I know that I had to give her an ultimatum. I had to."


If you used any quotes from this article, please credit "True Geordie" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

