Lance Anoa'i Explains Why He Wasn't Involved In WWE's Tribal Court Segment

The Bloodline's Tribal Court segment was originally going to feature many members of the wider Bloodline family, including Lance Anoa'i. However, his contract with MLW prevented him from appearing on WWE television, despite his belief that the one-off appearance would benefit the promotion overall.


"I missed that opportunity. Now I can do it all, I can be an extra worker, I can be at tryouts, nothing's stopping me now, so I am just ready to go," he told "WrestlingNewsCo" following his MLW granting Samoan Swat Team's release. "The Tribal Court, they wanted a lot of us. They asked for my grandfather, my dad, my uncles, me, Jacob [Fatu], they wanted us all, and unfortunately, due to our contract and everything, we weren't able to." 

Anoa'i has appeared on WWE television before due to his link to Roman Reigns, with Shane McMahon defeating him in a match as part of their storyline. However, it wasn't possible for the Tribal Court segment, but that isn't the only thing that Anoa'i missed out on being part of due to his MLW contract. A&E had filmed a special about the family, which included some reunions, but his contract prohibited him from participating.


"We pitched that point, and we got shut down. We don't know why; it is what it is, but we just ran with it. They even did the A&E special filming my whole family at our family reunions, and we weren't allowed to be in any of it. So, you know, there was just a few missed opportunities, and hopefully, it just comes back around, and everybody will be able to see how big our family is still growing.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "WrestlingNewsCo" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

