Why Jake Roberts Doesn't Think Mr. T Or Andy Kaufman Should Be In WWE Hall Of Fame

With debate over who a wrestling Hall of Famer should be always constant, AEW's Jake Roberts is someone who with expertise on the subject, being a WWE Hall of Famer, and a member of the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame. On "The Snake Pit," Roberts was asked about several high-profile wrestlers and whether they were Hall of Fame worthy, answering yes regarding talents like Vader and Virgil, and no regarding Brian Pillman, a take that Roberts noted could get him heat. One thing apparent from the conversation regarding a wrestling Hall of Fame, however, is that Roberts is very staunchly against celebrities with limited experience getting inducted. This was made clear when the status of Mr. T, who was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2014, the same year as Roberts, was brought up.


"I don't see him in the Hall of Fame though," Roberts said. "He gets in for one match, two matches, whatever? We're talking about a Hall of Fame. This is for guys who went out there and put the work in. And now you've got guys that are not involved in the f*****g business getting in."

Roberts' feelings didn't change all that much when he was asked whether Andy Kaufman, also in the WWE Hall of Fame, fit the criteria of a wrestling Hall of Famer. And despite Kaufman's larger history in wrestling than Mr. T, most notably due to his legendary feud with Jerry "The King" Lawler, Roberts seemed to have even more negative feelings regarding Kaufman as a Hall of Famer than Mr. T. "No!" Roberts said. "F**k no!"


To quote this article, please credit "The Snake Pit" and provide an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription

