Impact Wrestling Veteran Matt Hardy Weighs In On TNA Rebranding

Impact Wrestling shocked the world at Bound For Glory on October 20 when the company announced they're reverting back to their former TNA Wrestling name in 2024. One former TNA World Champion Matt Hardy recently reacted to the news on his podcast, "The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy."


"It's intriguing," Hardy said. "Just this morning when I did cardio, I finished getting through part one of Episode 1000. So I watched that and thought it was really good, and they're doing good stuff. They've got a lot of buzz around them and I obviously saw this announcement about how they went back to the 'TNA' branding as opposed to 'Impact Wrestling' and it really makes me wonder if there's — what is the true motivation behind this? There could be something, I don't know."

Hardy continued, "I know they were looking to kind of turn over a new leaf, kind of start a new as Impact but the crowd still does chant 'TNA,' and as long as time goes on they will I think call it 'TNA.' Myself and my wife were talking about this as we were traveling home, like I've never stopped calling it TNA... TNA is a branding that is kinda like embedded in people's minds. So I don't know if they did it for that and they just felt like that would be better or if there was some other reason behind the scenes which may have been beneficial to go back to TNA. But I'm okay with it. It doesn't bother me."


Hardy had two stints with TNA — a brief run in 2011 and then a longer stint that lasted from 2014 through early 2017. He's a two-time TNA World Champion and a two-time tag team champion alongside Jeff.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

