WWE's Road Dogg Reveals His Pick For Best Commentator In The Wrestling Business Today

Wade Barrett is currently part of the "WWE Raw" commentary team alongside Michael Cole, having built his way up to WWE's flagship show after spells on "WWE NXT" and "WWE SmackDown." His work on the microphone has clearly impressed people behind the scenes, and he has also made a fan out of Brian "Road Dogg" James, who claimed that the Englishman might be the best commentator in the business today.


"One, because I love his voice, and two, he's really stinking good at it and only getting better," James said on "Oh, You Didn't Know." Despite some fans wanting him to step back into the ring, James believes it was Barrett's choice to stop wrestling and not WWE's. The fact that he was originally offered another deal back in 2016 would support that, but the former Nexus leader opted not to re-sign with the company, although he hasn't ruled out the idea of one more match. However, commentating is something Barrett always wanted to do, and after getting some opportunities to do it on the independent scene with WCPW, he ended up returning to WWE in 2020 to join the black and gold brand and he hasn't looked back since.


"He went and he did a movie or two, he came back and he does the commentary," James said. "I thought he was a great wrestler, I love shooting the breeze with him because he's a great guy, he's a smart guy, he's intuitive. I'm a huge fan of Bad News Barrett."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit, "Oh, You Didn't Know?" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

