Swerve Strickland To Address Hangman Adam Page Tomorrow Night On AEW Dynamite

Ever since the beginning of September, Swerve Strickland and "Hangman" Adam Page have been at each other's throats, with Strickland declaring that he was gunning for Page's top spot in AEW. And while Strickland took a giant leap towards that when he defeated Page in his home state of Washington at WrestleDream, the Mogul Embassy leader still has plenty of unfinished business with the former AEW World Champion. And that business will continue tomorrow night on "AEW Dynamite" from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As announced by AEW on X, Strickland will be appearing on its flagship show to address his ongoing issues with the "Hangman." The tweet further noted that Strickland had specifically requested the time to talk trash on his current rival.


The issues between Page and Strickland, despite their previous one-on-one match, flared up again at "Dynamite: Title Tuesday" two weeks ago, when Page got involved in Strickland's match with Bryan Danielson, ultimately helping Danielson win and costing Strickland a shot at the TNT Championship days later. Later that show, Strickland's manager, Prince Nana, would similarly get involved in Page's match with Jay White, helping the "Switchblade" steal a victory over Page.


Strickland issued a warning to Page on last week's "Dynamite," indicating that he would target Page's friends going forward. By sheer coincidence, Page and his friends The Young Bucks will be around this Wednesday as well, as they defend the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship, belts they won from Strickland's Mogul Embassy, against Brother Zay and The Hardys.

