Why WWE HOFer Ted DiBiase Says Hulk Hogan Deserves More Credit For In-Ring Work

During a Q&A episode of the "Everybody's Got A Pod" podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Ted DiBiase was asked who he would have preferred to face if he was defending the WWE Championship at WrestleMania.

"One of the obvious choices would be [Hulk] Hogan because Hogan was the guy," DiBiase said. "I don't think Hogan gets enough credit. People say, 'Well, he really wasn't a great wrestler.' Okay. He wasn't a great wrestler in terms of hammerlocks and wristlocks and all this other stuff, leg sweeps, and what have you. But what Hogan was very good at was understanding who his character was.


"Here's this great, big guy, kind of like André the Giant. André the Giant was great because André the Giant could go in the ring and, in a very believable way, get into a place where the people actually thought he was in danger of losing. You know what I'm saying? ... It's all about the way you tell the story."

Despite criticisms about his wrestling ability, Hulk Hogan is widely regarded as one of the greatest sports entertainers of all time. 

In an interview several years ago, "The Million Dollar Man" revealed a nixed idea that would have seen him capture the WWE Championship from Hogan at WrestleMania IV. DiBiase challenged Hogan for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship on several house show events between August 1987 and January 1988. Hogan also successfully defended the gold against DiBiase on the October 14, 1989, "WWE Saturday Night's Main Event" broadcast.


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Everybody's Got A Pod" with an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription

