AEW Battle Of The Belts VIII Results - John Silver Vs. Orange Cassidy, More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of the eighth AEW Battle of the Belts special, taking place at the FedExForum in Memphis Tennessee. 

Tonight, Orange Cassidy is going to be defending his AEW International Title against Dark Order's John Silver. This past Friday's episode of "AEW Rampage," Silver defeated Kip Sabian and Brother Zay to earn tonight's match.


Also, Kris Statlander will be defending the AEW TBS Championship against Willow Nightingale, while Samoa Joe is putting up the ROH TV Title against Tony Nese. 

The last scheduled match is The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster) and Daddy A** defending the AEW World Trios Titles against "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard,  Cool Hand Ang (Angelo Parker), and Daniel Garcia.

The show opens up with FTR and Blackpool Combat Club leaving the ring after "Collision's" insane main event. Cassidy's music plays, and Cassidy shoves a leaving Moxley, Moxley goes after him, but the referee steps in.

AEW International Title Match: Orange Cassidy (c)Vs. John Silver

The bell rings, and Reynolds steals Cassidy's glasses. Silver puts his hands in Cassidy's pockets. Cassidy hits a headbutt to Silver then a topei to Reynolds to get his glasses back. Silver tries for the big boot, but Cassidy is too quick. Silver whips Cassidy around the ring.


Cassidy repeatedly hits Silver's head onto the turnbuckles. Silver holds Cassidy upside for a few, and then gets a two-count. Silver and Cassidy are now on the edge of the ring. Silver is holding Cassidy by one arm and throws Cassidy into the edge of the ring apron. Silver tosses him again.

Back from the break, they are back in the ring. Cassidy is in the middle of the ring getting kicked. Cassidy gets back up and a Shotgun dropkick to Silver. Kicks now to Silver in the middle of the ring. Cassidy is fired up. Silver counters the DDT for a two-count. Slumdog millionaire and a facebreak, but Silver still kicks out!

Cassidy is distracted and gets hit with the AEW International Title. Silver goes for the pin, but Cassidy kicks out. A few more kicks, but Cassidy is resilient. He gets an orange punch for the win.


Winner and still AEW International Champion: Orange Cassidy

ROH Television Title Match: Samoa Joe (c) Vs. Tony Nese

Lexy Nair is backstage with Andrade El Idolo. CJ Perry comes and sounds like she wants to be his manager. He looks intrigued and leaves the interview, before giving his answer to Nair about his match against Danielson.


Up next is the ROH Television Championship match. Nese comes out first. He has a mic and wants the crowd to do group training, but Joe's music interrupts that. The bell rings, Joe gives several rights to Nese in the corner of the ring. Nese goes out of the ring and hits Joe with an elbow. Joe has him in the muscle buster and wins the match. The match was super quick.

Post-match, Joe has the microphone. He is calling out the AEW World Champion MJF. He tells him that his coming for the AEW World Championship. He says that he is the king of television and is going to be the next champion. The crowd chants his name.

Up next after the commercial break is the TBS Championship between Statlander and Nightingale.


AEW TBS Title Match: Kris Statlander (c) Vs. Willow Nightingale

The bell rings, and Statlander goes for submission holds on Nightingale's arm. She tries to suplex her, but Nightingale is too strong. A shoulder block to Nightingale and Statlander's right knee brace is coming off. The commentators keep talking about it. Statlander goes to fly off the ring apron but lands awkwardly. Nightingale has the upper hand now. A cannonball to Statlander, who is lying on the steel steps. With rapid-fire headbutts, Nightingale is more vicious now. It is commercial time.


Back from the break, Nightingale has Statlander in the corner with rapid-fire lariats. Statlander gets out, goes for a running knee, and gets it. Nightingale is dazed, Statlander hits a blue thunder but it only gives her a two-count.

A big pounce to Statlander, but Statlander gets up and hits a DDT on the mat, but Nightingale still kicks out. She goes for the top rope, and Nightingale follows her. Nightingale from the top rope hits the avalanche Death Valley driver. She is upset that she didn't get the pin, starts choking her, then does the cannonball in the corner. Statlander is up, she hits a powerbomb, goes to the top rope, and hits a 450 splash for the win.

Winner and still TBS Champion: Statlander


Post-match, Skye Blue comes out and tells her not to shake Statlander's hand, but she still does it. The mist doesn't seem to have affected Nightingale as much as it did to Blue. 

AEW Trios Titles Match: The Acclaimed & Daddy A** (c) Vs. Matt Menard, Daniel Garcia, & Angelo Parker

It's main event time. Caster and Garcia kick off the match. Garcia was going to dance and they won't let him. Jay comes out and tells him not to do either. The referee tells her to leave. While she is leaving, Menard hits Bowens in the back. Bowens gets quickly back into the match, punches, and kicks both Menard and Parker. A big double ax handle from the top rope. Garcia is tagged back in.


Back from the break, Garcia is stepping on the back of Bowens. Daddy A** gets back into the match after there are several blind tags from the challengers. A scoop slam to Menard. Bowens goes on the top rope and hits the scissors me timbers. All three of them scissor in the ring, but the challengers come out. It's just Garcia and Caster in the ring. Garcia dances and Caster goes for a rollup. A back elbow and a lariat. The crowd tells him to dance, he does it. It was a mistake, the famouser, then Bowens and Caster double team for the pin on Garcia. Menard and Parker are upset about the loss. They leave Garcia in the ring and it ends.

Winners and still the Trios Champions:

