AEW Collision Results 10/21 - Bryan Danielson Vs. Andrade El Idolo, Tag Team Titles Match

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of the October 21 episode of "AEW Collison." This week's episode comes from the FedEx Forum in Memphis, Tennessee.

Tonight's show will include Tony Khan's dream match announcement —- Bryan Danielson facing Andrade El Idolo. Though Danielson won't be the only Blackpool Combat Club member to be in action either, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta are getting a chance to face Ricky Starks and Big Bill for the AEW World Tag Team Titles.


The former AEW Tag Team Champions FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) will be in action as well as Miro, who will be facing Action Andretti. Fans will also get to see a Memphis Street Fight between ROH World Champion Eddie Kingston and Jeff Jarrett.

The show opens up with Bryan Danielson coming out to the ring, so the dream match kicks off the show. The bell rings, and they lock up. The referee breaks it up. Idolo has Danielson in a armbar. He breaks out of it and slams Idolo to the mat. A shot in the midsection, Idolo has Danielson in a Both men go back and forth with rollups.

Bryan Danielson Vs. Andrade El Idolo

Danielson works on Idolo's arm until he breaks out, then a sidehead lock. Danielson has a bow-and-arrow submission hold. Idolo breaks out of it and gets a one-count. Idolo looks for the figure four, but Danielson turns it into a labell lock. Danielson does an arm drag, Idolo goes for the figure four again, but Danielson counters him with a kick.


Chops back and forth. Danielson does a headbutt to stop the chops. Idolo lays in the ropes and teases Danielson, who goes after him, but he falls. Commercial break.

Back from the break, they are both back in the ring. Idolo is in the corner, and Danielson is kicking him. They end up in the middle of the ring now, more chops. Danielson falls to the crowd, and gets up, kicking Idolo. Flying elbow to Danielson. Danielson is sent to the outside with a springform dropkick. Idolo goes on the to the top rope and hits a moonsault. Idolo throws Danielson back in the ring, he goes back to the top rope and hits another moonsault.

Punches to Danielson, who turns out with right hands to the rib cage. He headbutts Idolo, who falls to the ring, and then Danielson does a Shotgun dropkick to the top. Kicks, then a dragon screw leg whip, but turns into a lebell lock. The lock gets broken after Idolo gets to the ropes.


Running knees and Idolo gets a two-count. A big scoop to Danielson, Idolo goes for the top, but Danielson counters him. Kicks to the side of the head and the lebell  lock gets broken. The figure four, is almost a figure eight, but Danielson saves himself.

Danielson nails Idolo with a high kick, back and forth to rollups. Danielson gets it and wins.

Winner: Danielson

Skye Blue, The Gunns In Action

Post-match, the lights go out and it's Malakai Black. Black returns and kicks Danielson. Lights go out again and Black is gone. A video package airs, Darby Allin is talking about Nick Wayne and what happened last Wednesday.


The next match is Skye Blue versus Hollyhood Haley. Haley was already in the ring. The two are in the corner, until Blue throws Haley to the ground and punches her. Haley gets some offense and slaps her. She goes for the top rope, but a running powerbomb ruins her chances. Blue grabs her by the hair and then gets a win with a roll-up.

Winner: Blue 

Back from the break, Bullet Club Gold is coming up, because the Gunns have a match tonight. Their opponents are already in the ring and are the Outrunners? So it's The Gunns versus The Outrunners. The bell rings, arm drag from Outrunners 1, a big right hand from Colten. He kicks Outrunners 1 in the corner of the ring. Colten tags in his brother, who also kicks him in the corner. Austin tags in his brother and they do the 3:10 to Yuma for the win. It was a fast match.


Winners: The Gunns

Post-match, lights go out, it's the devil! Bullet Club Gold looks scared and the crowd is chatting MJF. As they walk out to the ramp, White says he's not falling for that.

Backstage with Lexy Nair, she was supposed to talk to Orange Cassidy, but Kris Statlander uses her to get "pumped" ahead of her title defense.

Jarrett comes out and it's time for the Memphis Street Fight.

Memphis Street Fight: Eddie Kingston Vs. Jeff Jarrett

The ring bell rings as Kingston walks to the ring. Kingston attacks Jarrett and the rest of his crew. Sonjay Dutt hits him with a garbage can lid. Jarrett pushes him to a table that has hot dogs and stuff, bad idea — Kingston throws the hot dogs at him. This is all happening by the ring barriers.


Jarrett hits Kingston with a trash can lid. Jarrett has mustard and ketchup, but Kingston kicks him in the midsection. He takes the ketchup and mustard and uses them on Jarrett. Karen Jarrett intervenes, which gives Jay Lethal time to throw Kingston into a table.

Back from the break, they are in the ring now. A lead pipe to Kingston's knee, then trash cans to the knee. Jarrett uses the back of a chair to his knee now. Figure Four leglock is now in the center of the ring. Kingston shakes his head ring. He almost passes out and the ref counts to two.

Kingston turns it over and Lethal tries to jump on Kingston, but he misses him. Kingston is up, giving punches and chops to everyone in the ring. Karen is back in the ring, Jarrett was going to hit him with the guitar but he hit him with a spinning side slam. Lethal almost hits the lethal injection but Kingston counters. Kingston hits Satnam Singh with Jarrett's guitar. Jarrett hits the Stroke, but he kicks out. Karen hits him in the face, Sigh is back in the ring too, he chokeslams him. Jarrett hits a Stroke, then Lethal gets the Lethal Injection, and the pin for the win.


Winner: Jarrett

Miro Vs. Action Andretti

Back from the break, the Acclaimed and Daddy A** are backstage talking to Nair. It's a hilarious segment.

CJ Perry comes out to the ring. The next match-up is Andretti and Miro. The bell rings, and Miro throws Andretti into the corner and punches him repeatedly. Andretti gets some offense with several dropkicks. Andretti's offense gets stopped with a springboard and lariats. Miro throws Andretti headfirst out to the ring.


Back from the break, Andretti kicks MIro in the head. Miro pushes him off after getting shots in. Miro falls out of the ring, Andretti flies, hitting a 

A roll-up for a two-count. A 450, but not even a two-count for Andretti. Andretti had him up on his shoulders, but Miro raked his eyes. Andretti is in trouble, he's now in the Game Over and taps out.

Winner: Miro

Backstage with Nair and the old JAS society members. Anna Jay slaps her hand to steal the mic. "Daddy Magic" says that the family is doing fine, there was no dancing. Jay gets upset and tells them they need to talk (her, Garcia, and Menard). Nair also interviews Ruby Soho wants a title now.

Back from the break, a video package with La Faccion Ingobernable. Backstage in the locker room with an angry Kingston. He calls Lethal, Jarrett's "bi***" and that he lost his way. 


FTR Get Attacked, Tag Team Title Match

FTR are now in action now. This is their first match since losing the titles against Ricky Starks and Big Bill. Their opponents are already in the ring they are called Bad Thad Brown and Darian.

Brown and Wheeler start off the match. The lights go out again! It's Malakai black again. The lights go off again, it's the House of Black together. They are attacking Wheeler and Harwood. Brody King uses his cast on his wrist as a weapon. House of Black leaves the ring, FTR are still down. It cuts to commercials.


Back from the break and it's main event time. Bill and Starks are going to defend their titles against Yuta and Castagnoli. The bell rings, but Starks is messing around. He runs around the ring, getting "warmed up." Starks finally gets in the ring and he locks up with Yuta. Yuta gets a two-count. The two are keeping it to the mat.  Starks spits at Yuta and tags in Bill. They lock up, Yuta tries to chop him, but it doesn't work out. He's in the corner and getting chops. Bill tosses him to the mat. Yuta gets one chop in, though gets tossed off the ring apron. Starks was distracting him.

Back from the break, Yuta is getting destroyed by Bill. A big right hand on the top of the head. Yuta uses the ropes and Bill falls out of the ring. Yuta tries to tag in Castagnoli but Starks gets in the way. Big Boss Man Slam for a two-count. Both men are done and tag in their partners. It's now Starks and Castagnoli. Castagnoli goes crazy with the European Uppercuts. He's on the top rope, mimicking Starks, and gets a two-count.


Ongoing Main Event

Castagonli hits Bill with an uppercut from outside of the ring. It's commercial time. Back from the break, Starks and Castagnoli are in the ring now. Castagnoli hits a European uppercut for a two-count. A Blind tag was made with Big Bill. DDT to Castagnoli then a big boot from Bill. Castagnoli tries to put him on his shoulders, but can't. Another uppercut, then a tag to Double Team shotgun for a two-and-a-half count.


Yuta kicks out to a big clothesline. Starks hits Castagnoli, but he makes it just enough time to break the three count. A kick to Starks and a tag to Castagnoli, he hits a running Lariat to Starks, and gets a two-count. Yuta tags in. The Giant Swing/dropkick combo for a two-count. Bill has both of them, but they fight back. For a third time, the House of Black comes out and ruins a match. A spear from Starks, then a for the win.

Winners and still champions: Starks and Bill

The House of Black comes into the ring and attacks Yuta. Danielson runs to save him. He gets attacked, and then FTR comes out to help, but they fail. Music plays and it's Jon MOXLEY! It's intense now. Moxley saves them and Starks gets attacked by them. The House of Black pretended that they were going to come back to the ring and help him. They are just destroying Starks now with the giant swings. 

