Eric Bischoff Reacts To Reports Of Triple H Dethroning Vince McMahon In WWE Creative

Eric Bischoff has joined the chorus of wrestling fans and pundits who prefer Paul "Triple H" Levesque to oversee WWE's creative operations. On "Strictly Business," Bischoff explained why he supports Endeavor CEO Ari Emanuel's reported decision to remove Vince McMahon from the day-to-day duties involved in producing WWE programming. "I think what Ari did was smart," Bischoff said. "I think it was time. I think Paul Levesque deserves to be that guy and to be held accountable, but along with being accountable, you have to have control. You can't hold someone accountable without giving them control ... I think what Ari did was what any CEO or leader should do, which is put the very best people in roles they can optimize."


Bischoff believes Levesque having the final word on WWE's creative process is "the healthiest decision possible" not just for the talents and production staff, but for the product itself. "I applaud the decision," Bischoff added while clarifying that McMahon deserves praise for setting the table for modern WWE and preparing Levesque to be his heir apparent. "Just because I applaud the decision, it doesn't mean anything less than a tremendous amount of respect for what Vince McMahon has accomplished over the past 40 years."

Although Levesque took over as WWE's Chief Content Officer last September, his stint as leader suffered a few bumps when McMahon reportedly forced his way back into WWE in early 2023. Subsequently, several reports suggested that McMahon tore up scripts approved by Levesque and nixed many advertised matches and segments, much to the dismay of both talents and fans. However, it's been smooth sailing for Levesque since the WWE-UFC merger, and fans on social media have observed noticeable changes to the product — such as the return of talents such as Tegan Nox and DIY, not to mention additional emphasis on ending each show with a cliffhanger angle. 

