Teddy Long On Who Roman Reigns Should Face At WWE WrestleMania 40 (Not Cody Rhodes)

Who Roman Reigns will ultimately face at WrestleMania 40 next year is, as expected, a hot topic in professional wrestling that usually comes down to two main options among fans: The Rock and Cody Rhodes. While plenty would like to see Rhodes "finish the story" in such grand fashion, Teddy Long thinks "The People's Champion" should get the nod.


"Well, I look at it as a business decision — and that's what this is all about: business," he told "The Wrestling Time Machine" podcast. "Nothing against Cody Rhodes, I love him to death, he's another one I've known since he was a little kid. But, who's going to sell tickets: Cody Rhodes or The Rock? You know, and that's the way I look at it."

Rhodes got the chance to challenge for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship at WrestleMania earlier this year, ultimately coming up short. However, he has continued to push the idea that his time will come to claim the title that has evaded his family, dethroning Reigns in the process. But the wrench being thrown in the gears comes from The Rock, who recently revealed he had been in talks to be Reigns' opponent at WrestleMania 39; talks that ultimately went nowhere. However, he did tease the idea of competing against the "Tribal Chief" in Philadelphia which Long thinks is easy money for WWE.


"If that does happen, there's always still room for Cody, because at the end there that's something that Cody can do," he said. "So we don't want to count him out because Cody, I think, is doing a hell of a job there. But who's going to buy tickets or money-wise? I think The Rock would be the guy."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "The Wrestling Time Machine" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

