AEW Collision Results 9/23: RVD In Action, Texas Death Match, Title Matches

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of the September 23 episode of "AEW Collison." This week's episode comes from the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 

Tonight's show features a Texas Death Match between current rivals Ricky Starks and Bryan Danielson, Rob Van Dam, and Hook are teaming together to face Angelo Parker and Matt Menard.


There are two title matches: AEW Tag Team Championship match between the champions FTR and The WorkHorsemen (JD Drake and Anthony Henry) and Luchasaurus is defending his TNT Championship against Christian Cage and Darby Allin. Other matches tonight include Bullet Club Gold's Jay White versus Andrade El Idolo and Willow Nightingale is in a match against Julia Hart.

Tonight's show opens up with the TNT Championship match. Allin comes out first to the ring, Cage follows, and last but not least the champion comes out. Cage and Luchasaurus walked out to the ring together. 

TNT Championship Match: Luchasaurus (c) Vs. Christian Cage Vs. Darby Allin

Cage tells Luchasaurus to attack Allin and he leaves the ring. Allin blinds Luchasaurus and then goes out to attack Cage. Allin gets a two-count on Cage and then flies out of the ring to attack Luchasaurus.


Allin is back in the ring, but not for long, Cage throws him out of the ring and whiplash to his neck. Cage takes over the match. A chair is in the ring and Cage puts Allin on it and steps on him. Allin tries to fight back.

Luchasaurus was going to cover Allin, but Cage tells him not to. Cage gets a two-count and Luchasaurus looks annoyed at him. They still team together and throw Allin into the ringside steps. The crowd is booing. It cuts to commercials.

Back from the break, Luchasaurus and Cage both go for spears, but Allin moves quickly out of the way and hits the turnbuckles. Allin gets the two-count twice on Cage. hit the Coffin Drop onto Luchasaurus and Cage. He rolls Luchasaurus in, goes to the top, but gets caught by Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus touches the title for the first time and turns his back to Cage. While they "argue" Allin pushes them into each other. Allin hits the coffin drop onto Luchasaurus, but Cage throws him out of the ring and wins!


Winner and new TNT champion: Christian Cage

Post-match, Cage celebrates and hugs Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus holds up his hand, but he looks annoyed. He puts Cage on his shoulders like Jungle Boy used to do.

Video package of what happened last night to Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega saving him. Backstage Don Callis, who talks about Omega and Kota Ibushi's relationship being more than brothers, and Will Ospreay, Konosuke Takeshita, and Sammy Guevara will face Jericho, Omega, and Ibushi at Wrestle Dream.

HOOK and RVD Vs. Matt Menard & Angelo Parker

Back from the break, Tony Schiavone is backstage with the new champion Cage and Luchasrus. Cage says that he is finally finished with Allin, but Schiavone says that next Sunday at Wrestle Dream he will defend it against Allin.


Next up is HOOK and RVD versus Parker and Menard. The crowd is chanting RVD. Menard and HOOK start the match. Menard hits the arm drag. HOOK brings Menard to the ground and puts him in a front face lock.

Elbows to Menard's face, but Anna Jay grabs HOOK's leg and he trips on the mat. RVD is tagged in, RVD arm drags Parker. Several kicks to Parker and the crowd yells, "You still got it." RVD poses for the crowd and it's breaktime. Back from the break, HOOK is in the ring and throws Menard and Parker out of the ring. He tries to tag in RVD, but Parker grabs him. He finally gets the tagged in after he suplexes Parker.  

RVD hits a rolling thunder to Parker, but he hits the ropes while doing the move. Toe to the boot to Menard. Jake Hager comes into the ring with a chair, but RVD dodges him and hits the Van Daminator to him. HOOK gets a hold on Menard, while RVD wins the match with a Frogsplash.


Winners: HOOK and RVD

A video package airs Kingston winning the NJPW Strong Openweight Championship and ROH Championship. Later Kingston announces he's putting up the titles to go against NJPW star Katsuyori Shibata.

Julia Hart Vs. Kiera Hogan

Back from the break, a Join the Dark Order promo airs, there is something sinister going on with them. After, backstage with Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. They are calling out Best Friends. 

Next up is Julia Hart vs. Kiera Hogan. Hart was supposed to face Nightingale, but she was attacked earlier today by Hart and went to a local hospital. The match begins with Hogan attacking Hart in the corner. Hart gets the upper hand though and a suplex to Hogan after she tosses her head into the mat. Right hands to Hogan, who is trying to protect herself. Hogan gets some kicks in, but Hart. Hogan is in a headlock but gets out with some right hands. A swing and a miss. Boots to Hart. Hart hits a Drop Toehold after Hogan slams into the turnbuckles. Now Hart is in the center of the ring and she has Hogan in a submission hold. Hart taps out Hogan.


Winner: Julia Hart

Post-match, Hogan won't let go but finally does. Brody King comes into the ring and Hart goes back to Hogan and puts her in a submission hold. Skye Blue comes out, but Hart hides behind King. King moves and Hart spits mist in Blue's face. King has the mic now and he says that it won't end until Hart gets to face Kris Statander for the TBS Title Hart gets the mic now and says, "Remember Kris, the House always wins."

Jay White Vs. Andrade El Idolo

The match starts off with White and Idolo locking up. White escapes, but Idolo has him in a headlock. White now has Idolo in the side headlock takeover. They are outside of the ring and chops to White.


Back in the ring, Snap Suplexes to White. White stops Idolo from doing the Three Amigos. Idolo throws White out of the ring, Juice Robinson, yells, "Jay!!!." Andrade gives White enough time to get back his momentum. After going White launches Idolo outside the ring and Bullet Club Gold mocks him.

Back from the break, White is now chopping Idolo. Idolo moves out of the ring and takes down White with a clothesline. Both men are down now. Chops back and forth, and both men look tired. A Dragon Screw to White and a forearm to White who is down. Idolo is back up his feet after hitting the moves and the crowd is chanting his name. BBC saves White, but Idolo goes to the top rope and drops on the stable.


Double moonsault to White and he gets only a two-count. White goes for a sleeper suplex, but Idolo gets out of it. More chops. White suplexes Idolo to the floor. He rolls him back in the ring and hits the enzuigiri for a two-count. After more chops, and then an elbow to a jaw, Idolo gets a two-count. Idolo runs and knees to the face. Robinson saves White by putting White's foot on the ropes to break the count. Idolo now has White in the Figure 8, but Robinson saves White again while the Gunn' distracts the referee. White gets the three-count with the Blade Runner.

Winner: White

AEW Tag Team Titles Match: FTR (c) Vs. The WorkHorsemen

Before the match even starts, Aussie Open come out and are on the commentary.

The match starts off with Wheeler and Henry. Headlocks and it goes to the mat. Henry gets a one count. Henry tags in Drake while Wheeler tags in Harwood. They lock up and chops back and forth. Drake ends it with a suplex. Tag made in Henry, but it doesn't last long before Drake is back and he flips onto the top rope onto Harwood. Back to Drake being in the ring and they exchange chops and kicks.


Lots of tags back and forth between Henry and Drake. Drake actually almost gets the win over Harwood. The crowd is chanting, "Holy S***t." He hit a moonsault. Harwood now has Drake in the sharpshooter for the win by submission.

Winners and still AEW Tag Team Champions: FTR

Post-match, Aussie Open is "clapping" for the champs. FTR tells them to come in the ring. Fletcher and Davis have mics and say how they need to move and that they are the best. Harwood has the mic and says that he's begging them to be the biggest "baddest" tag team at Wrestle Dream.

Backstage with CJ Perry, who talks about how her husband, Miro lost his way. Miro comes out and calls her a "temptation" and that she changed from fame. She needs to be saved by him. She reveals that she is going to be a manager. 


Texas Death Match: Ricky Starks Vs. Bryan Danielson

The commentators talk about WrestleDream. It's now main event time or Texas Death Match time. Starks comes out first.

The match starts off with Starks attacking Danielson in the corner with punches. Danielson has Starks outside of the ring after he dived on him from the middle of the ring. They are in the crowd now and Danielson is decimating Starks with kicks on the stairs.  Kicks to Starks again. They are making their way to the ring. Headbutt to Starks, but Starks throws Danielson in the crowd while he goes back into the ring. He dives onto Danielson into the crowd. It's insane. 


Back from the break, Danielson is bleeding from the ring bell. Starks is hitting him in the forehead with the mic. He has the chair and hits Danielson's leg with it. Danielson gets out of more pain with the chair and hits Starks. On the ropes, Starks is biting the bleeding head of Danielson. Danielson dropkicks Starks, but his left knee is hurting him. Kicks now to Starks who is on his knees. Danielson was going to spear Starks but he hits him with the chair. Starks stomps Danielson's head onto the chair.

Ongoing Main Event

Back from the break and Starks is still in control. He is choking Danielson with a steel chain. The referee is counting and it's up to 9, but Danielson is up before he is counted out. Starks is using the chain to hang him. Starks goes for the spear but Danielson has him in the crossface and is now using the chain to choke Starks. Starks gets out of it and forearms shots, but Danielson rolls him over and does the same.


They are both on their knees and trying to hit each other. They fall to the mat and the referee is counting. Knees to the chair that is in Starks' hands and he is split open above his guy. He's bleeding now. Danielson repeatedly stomps Starks' face and spits on him. Danielson wraps the chain around his knee. Psycho knee to Starks and the referee starts counting to ten. Starks never moves and Danielson wins!

Winner: Bryan Danielson

Post-match, Wheeler Yuta comes out to aid Danielson and Big Bill does the same for Starks.

