DDT Bullet Train Match Feat. Minoru Suzuki Garners Mainstream Media Coverage

Followers of Japanese promotion DDT Wrestling are well aware that they aren't afraid to do things a bit outside the box, and similarly, fans of wrestling legend Minoru Suzuki know that he's up for almost anything. Even still, the two combining, alongside Sanshiro Takagi, to have a wrestling match on a Japanese Bullet Train would seem to be too far out there. Except it wasn't, with Suzuki defeating Takagi on Monday on a bullet train heading from Tokyo to Nagoya.


While DDT, Suzuki, and Takagi surely expected some attention, they likely didn't expect the match would be covered by ABC News. That's what happened on Tuesday, however, with ABC posting on X, Twitter's clone, video footage of Suzuki and Takagi's match. Further information about the bout was revealed, including that 75 passengers had viewed the match in the train car, which DDT rented out completely. Footage was also shown from the match, including the finish, which saw Suzuki hit Takagi with his trademark Gotch Style Piledriver.


At this time, ABC's tweet has put quite a few eyeballs on DDT and the match, with the tweet having over 1,230 retweets and over 2,380 likes. The one noticeable thing missing from ABC's coverage of the match, however, was an appearance by wrestling legend Kenta Kobashi. The former All Japan Triple Crown Champion and GHC Heavyweight Champion would confront Suzuki during the match, ultimately delivering one of his trademark Burning Chops against his former rival. Kobashi would later post photos from the train, including one with Jun Akiyama, who was also on board the car for the match.

