Eric Bischoff Explains Why He Can't Help But Admire WWE's Vince McMahon

Endeavor announced the close of their acquisition of WWE last week, merging the brand with UFC under a new company called TKO Group Holdings. The deal marks the end of an era as Vince McMahon, while still involved in the new company, relinquishes ownership of the family business. Eric Bischoff was a part of the WCW brand that WWE had purchased in 2001, but he had nothing but admiration for his former rival during the "83 Weeks" podcast. 


"Yeah, I'm a little conflicted, you know, and people can say whatever they want of Vince McMahon," he said. "I cannot help but admire the man and, to just step back and realize what Vince has accomplished for the decades: purchasing the company from his father, breaking the paradigm, stepping outside of the territory structure and going national. So many big things that Vince did that has, you know, everybody talks about changing the business, few people have really changed the business. Without question, Vince did."

Bischoff said that while professional wrestling on the whole has seen significant growth, he feels it's WWE leading the charge for "the growth and the change" within the industry. 


He said that he is really happy for WWE following the merger and the success that it represents. However, he admitted to feeling bittersweet about seeing the company go from a family business, to going public, and now being absorbed by another company.

If you use any quotes from this podcast, please credit "83 Weeks" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

