AEW Collision Results 8/26 - All In Go-Home Show, Eddie Kingston In Tag Team Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of the August 26 episode of "AEW Collison." This week's episode, which was taped on August 23, comes from the Gas South Arena in Duluth, Georgia. It's the All In go-home edition of "Collision."


During this week's episode, Jack Perry will be retiring the FTW Championship that he won from HOOK during the July 19 episode of "AEW Dynamite." Eddie Kingston, Penta El Zero, and Orange Cassidy will be tagging together to face The Butcher, The Blade, and Kip Sabian.

Also, CM Punk is teaming up with Sting, Darby Allin, and an unknown partner to face Jay White, Luchasaurus, Swerve Strickland, and Brian Cage. Punk's All In Opponent is going to be on commentary for that match. On last week's episode of "Collision," Punk dressed up as "The Golden Vampire" and got the upper hand on his foe.

The show opens up with Jack Perry. Four guys are with him and they are carrying the FTW Title. In the ring, there is a table with flowers and two other "memorials" for the championship. The crowd is booing him. He calls himself the "greatest FTW Champion." They air a tape of him with the title in different poses, one is him in the shower with the title. He fakes cries and grabs a sledgehammer to destroy the title. The lights go out, and a video airs of HOOK doing pull-ups. It was a distraction and he is actually in the ring and attacks Perry. HOOK puts the table in the ring corner and puts him through the table with a t-bone suplex. He lays the title on Perry. HOOK grabs a mic and says, "Wembley, Sunday."


Eddie Kingston, Orange Cassidy, & Penta El Zero Miedo Vs. The Butcher, The Blade, & Kip Sabian

A video package airs between AEW World Champion MJF and Adam Cole.

Up next is the six-man tag match with Cassidy, Kingston, and Miedo versus Sabin, the Butcher, and the Blade (they are already out to the ring).


The match starts with Sabian and Miedo. The crowd is chanting his name. Sabian pushes him, and Miedo takes his glove off. The Bell rings. All six men attack each other. Kingston and The Butcher are the only ones in the ring until Butcher comes in. They double-team on Kingston.

Miedo is in, he has Butcher in the corner and kicks him. He puts Blade on his shoulders and tosses him onto Butcher. Sabian cheap shots Miedo. Cassidy and Sabian are now in the ring, two-pin reversals. A kick to Sabian. Butcher and the Blade attack Cassidy and Sabian goes for a pin. Standing switch. Cassidy gets hit in the back by Blade. Blade tags in and hits the neckbreaker. It cuts to a commercial break.

Back from the break and it's still Cassidy and Blade in the ring. Sabian hits a double stomp, then Blade hits a jackknife and gets a two-count. Cassidy trips when trying to get a tag in. He finally gets it and Miedo is back in the ring. He hits two slingblades and a kick to Sabian. Kingston yells, "Come On," to the Butcher. They keep knocking into each other. Sabian gets tagged in and Kingston is in control. Chomps to Sabian and Blade until the Butcher breaks it up. Chaos in a ring. Cassidy gets an Orange Punch in and then Kingston hits a lariat for the win.


Winner: Kingston, Cassidy, & Miedo

Dark Order vs. Darius Martin & Action Andretti

Post-match, Chuck Taylor is in the ring. He's calling out the Blackpool Combat Club. Trent is there too and is upset about them destroying his mom Sue's van. Cassidy has the mic, but they get interrupted by BCC. Kingston gets out of the ring and starts going to be the back.


He is in the back and is asking "Where are they?" The BCC is gone.

Kingston tells the cameraman to come closer, he says that he's not surprised that "Santana & Ortiz turned on him." He says that he's going to "bury" Wheeler YUTA, tells Jon Moxley to stay out of his way, and is going to save Castagnoli for himself. A video package airs between The Young Bucks and FTR.

Up next is Dark Order's Alex Reynolds and John Silver versus Action Andretti and Darius Martin. The bell rings, and it's Andretti and Silver in the ring. Side headlock to Silver. Reynolds tags himself in and clotheslines Andretti. Martin tags in and they team together to attack on Reynolds. Silver is in the ring now and hits a powerbomb at Andretti. Silver poses in the ring and then tags back in Reynolds. They team together and hit a sweep double leg attack. Commercial break.


Back from the break, it's Reynolds and Andretti in the ring. He tags in Martin. Hard rights to Reynolds and a back elbow to Silver. Blind tag to Andretti. Brainbuster to Reynolds and a 450, gets a two-count. Martin is tagged in, they double-team, but Silver comes in and kicks them. Double jackknife to Martin for the win.

Winner: Dark Order

Big Bill Vs. Vary Morales

A music video airs from The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn. It's a song for Gunn's return and their feud with House of Black. After it cuts to a commercial. Back from the break and it's a video package of the AEW Women's Title match.


Ricky Starks and Big Bill are coming out to the ring. Bill is going to face Vary Morales who is already in the ring. Morales goes for the jump on Bill, but Bill catches him and tosses him to the ground gut first. He spins him and throws him. Morales is in the corner. Big Boot to Morales and then a chokeslam for the win.

Winner: Big Bill

Post-match, Starks has the mic and says Morales reminds him of a young Steamboat. He hits him with the belt. Referees come in and stop it.

Lexy Nair is backstage with Ruby Soho. She challenges Kris Statlander for the TBS Championship for All Out in Chicago.

Willow Nightingale Vs. Robyn Renegade

Up next is Nightingale and Renegade. They lock up. Renegade kicks Nightingale and then puts her in a headlock, but Nightingale throws her in the corner. Nightingale hits a heavy elbow and a splash for a two-count. They go back and forth and Renegade ends up hitting hard on the outside of the ring, but her sister helps her back in. It's break time.


Back from the break Nightingale has Renegade in the corner and shoulder tackles. Nightingale hits a Spinebuster and almost gets a three-count, but Renegade barely saves himself. Nightingale throws Reneage into the corner of the ring and fails to hit her with a cannonball.

Renegade is on the top rope and hits a missile dropkick, she gets a two-count. She's upset about not getting a three-count. Nightingale is now on the outside, but she gets back in control of the match. Renegade's sister tries to help, but they both end up getting DDTs. Back in the ring Nightingale hits the Bae Bomb for the win.

Winner: Nightingale

Video package airs of Sarray, Chris Jericho, and more doing media in London for All In. Jericho did a gig with his band Fozzy during the week.


Keith Lee Vs. Zicky Dice

Nair is back and she's interviewing Statlander. Statlander says that she is sick of being walked on all over and says that she is going defend her title against Soho at All Out in Chicago.

Next up is Keith Lee versus. Zicky Dice. Lee is making his "Collision" debut. The bell rings and the two show off to the crowd. Lee hits the pounce on Dice and then a powerbomb for the win. The match was short. A La Faccion Ingobernable video package airs and it's brutal. 


Joe's music hits and he goes out to the ring. He has a mic and introduces himself to the crowd: "My name is Samoa Joe." He explains why he is on commentary tonight. He calls Punk a coward for what he did last week. He says that he won't interfere in tonight's main event.

The commentators talk about the All In card and then air a "special look" at Punk and Joe's match tomorrow. 

It's main event time. Punk and Strickland start the match off. Hammerlock on Strickland. Head scissors to Punk and mocks him. Punk tries for the GTS, but Strickland is too quick and he tags in White. White and Punk are just killing time and don't do anything, until Punk almost tags in Sting, but White hits him. Some chops and Punk hits thrown to the knee. Punk tags in HOOK. Several rights and lefts to White. After back and forth, Allin is tagged in. A wristlock to White and Allin tags in Punk, and Punk does the same thing, until White tags in Luchasaurus. While Allin is in a Hold from Luchasaurus, he blind tags in Sting. Stinger splash and Punk is back in the ring. He's getting manhandled by Luchasaurus. 


Main Event: CM Punk, Darby Allin, Sting, HOOK Vs. Jay White, Brian Cage, Swerve Strickland, and Luchasaurus

It's now White and Punk in the ring. A kick to White, but White turns it around and goes for Punk's knee. Strickland tags in and has Punk in a half nelson. Vertical suplex to Punk. Punk gets the tag to HOOK. He gets the better of Strickland until White hits him in the back. He is outside of the ring, and White and Cage throw him around the outside into the barriers. The ref counts, but HOOK gets back in the ring in time.


Cage is tagged in and has HOOK in the corner. A mix of kicks and chops to the former FTW Champion. Commercial break. Back from the break, Cage is using HOOK as gym weights. HOOK counters Cage and crawls to tag in Punk. DDTs and kicks to both Strickland and White. Punk is on the top rope and hits an elbow drop. He goes for the GTS to Strickland but counters it. HOOK is in and Sting is in. Allin is now in the ring and Cage. Things are going fast, lots of back and forth. Punk is somehow back in the ring, he does the GTS to Cage and then has him in Samoa Joe's submission move. Cage taps out.

Winners: Punk, HOOK, Darby Allin, and Sting

Postmatch: Joe is upset and he goes in the ring and Punk and Joe go at each other. Now Perry is out attacking HOOK. Sting and Allin are attacking Strickland. Everyone is going at now and the show ends in a brawl! 

