Why Arn Anderson Says Being A Road Agent In Wrestling Is Far From A Glorious Job

During a recent Q&A edition of "ARN," WWE Hall of Famer and current AEW coach Arn Anderson addressed the difficult side of being a road agent in the business.

"Very little," Anderson said when asked what he enjoyed most about being a road agent. "It's not a glorious job. It's not a glamorous job. I will say this, it's a lot of responsibility because you're responsible for what guys or ladies do and every match of the night, responsibility falls on you."


He added, "So you gotta be on your toes and you gotta be paying attention and you gotta be going between the music position and the locker room and between matches and guys are wanting to see you and you're out there watching a match so you can report on it in your agents' report at the end of the night. It goes back to the office, so it's kind of hard to report on things you don't see, and if a talent sends a message by the referee that, 'Hey, I need to see Arn,' and I take off and I leave that position and something critical happened during the match and I missed it — it's just a lot of activity from the moment I walk into the building to the moment I leave. You gotta be on your toes."

Potentially Being a Road Agent In AEW

Anderson shared that every now and then he got to see talent in different ways because they didn't have to deal with television time constraints. He enjoyed that aspect of seeing talent showcase what they're capable of and would encourage them to try different things out on TV.


Regarding a potential road agent role in AEW, Anderson revealed that he has been asked recently, but is still hesitant.

"Let's just say in the last six months there's been that conversation and the reality is I would prefer to keep that relationship as coach to player," Anderson said. "I would rather keep it in a casual, not be in my job description [way]. I could have 25 guys line up and I would be able to spend whatever time it would be helping them if they ask, but I don't want that to be my job just because for 19 years it was a really hard job. I got burnt out."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "ARN" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

