Backstage Update On WWE's Plans For NXT Expansion To Europe, India

During the latest episode of "Wrestling Observer Radio," Dave Meltzer was asked about an update on WWE's plans for expanding their developmental system globally in places like India.

"They would want to do it. I don't expect that to happen," Meltzer said. "One of the issues is they can't really run shows there. That's why the Indian talent, they brought to Orlando. I could see them opening the NXT Europe thing, which by the way, was supposed to have been opened early 2023. When they got rid of NXT UK, it was early 2023 they were going to start Europe. Now it's not happening and it's not gonna happen until after the merger. I've heard now the target's 2024. But once they do that, I think it's gonna be a while."


Meltzer mentioned that beyond Europe, WWE previously talked about expansion into Mexico and Japan, but he doesn't believe the company understands those markets currently. With that in mind, NXT India could still happen.

"As far as India goes, it wasn't one of the prime places they were talking about, but once they have three of four of them out there, could they go to India then? Yes, it could happen down the line, but I think it's going to be a very slow process," Meltzer added.

WWE is set to return to India for Superstar Spectacle on September 8. John Cena has been announced for the event as it will mark his first time competing there. WWE held its first Superstar Spectacle event in January 2021, but it emanated from WWE's Thunderdome in Florida because of the COVID-19 pandemic.


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Wrestling Observer Radio" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

