Why Kurt Angle Says Samoa Joe Could Have Been Used Better In TNA & WWE

Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe have a long history together. When the Olympic Gold Medalist debuted in TNA in 2006, "The Samoan Submission Machine" was his first major feud. From that moment on, the two have come to know each other very well. So when Joe wasn't being used to his full potential by his former employers, Angle hoped to see some changes being made since he knew exactly what the imposing competitor was capable of.


While answering fan questions on "The Kurt Angle Show," the Hall of Famer shared his frustrations about Joe's runs in TNA and WWE. While he found some success in those companies, Angle felt that his former foe possessed the capacity to do much more.

"Joe got utilized properly in TNA at the beginning until he lost his undefeated streak against me [and] his value dropped dramatically," said Angle. "They never really picked back up and brought Joe back to the level he was when he was undefeated. And I think that carried on over to the WWE. I think that WWE could have done more with him. They did do some. They did a lot, but I know they could have done more. He was that talented. "

Muscle Buster

Kurt Angle went on to speculate whether Samoa Joe's look is what held him back, particularly in WWE. The promotion had always been known as the "Land of the Giants" under Vince McMahon, so the top guys were typically the meticulously sculpted bodybuilder types or massive figures that towered over their opponents. Joe didn't fit into that mold, and Angle believes that could have factored into decisions regarding the reigning Ring of Honor Television Champion.


"I'm not sure if it had to do with his look," he continued. "I love his look. I think that everybody should be different. Big, tall, short, wide, doesn't matter. I don't know if it had to do with his look, but Samoa Joe was so talented. He deserved to be WWE Champion. He really did and that's not me blowing smoke. That's me being honest."

As the "Wrestling Machine" alluded to, Joe doesn't need to look and act like everyone else to be successful in wrestling. His career has proven that over and over again. Though he may not have won a WWE Championship, his in-ring skills are unparalleled and he will still go down in history as a legend of the business.

