AEW Collision Results 7/1 - MJF In Action, Owen Hart Cup Tournament

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of the July 1 episode of "AEW Colllison." This week's episode comes from FirstOntario Center in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

AEW World Champion MJF is set to make his "Collision" in-ring debut, though his opponent is unknown. Miro will also be in action and Kris Statlander will defend her TBS Championship against former Impact star Lady Frost.


There will also be three Owen Hart Foundation Men's Tournament Quarterfinals matches: Dustin Rhodes vs. Powerhouse Hobbs, Juice Robinson vs. Ricky Starks, and Roderick Strong will face Samoa Joe — CM Punk is set to be on commentary during that match.

The show opens up with the AEW World Champion MJF walking down to the ring. His opponent is local talent Kip Morst, who's already in the ring. MJF attacks him before the bell rings and hits the Heatseeker. He stops the count at two and puts Morst in the LeBelle lock for the submission victory. Post-match, he talks about how bad the area is. He says that he will put his title on the line. Some unknown guy comes out but Ethan Page interrupts them and accepts the challenge. MJF is about to say that Page is not on his level, but Page grabs the mic before he can finish. He cuts a promo saying that MJF doesn't know what he is capable of and those who do in the back don't give a crap. He calls MJF a "bare minimum" bi*** and the contest gets underway. 


AEW World Championship Match: MJF (c) vs. All Ego Ethan Page

MJF gets the upper hand because Ethan Page turned his back. Page tries to hit his finisher, but it doesn't work out. MJF goes after Page's knee while the crowd yells, "You suck." MJF hits the single-leg Boston crab. Page tries to crawl to the ropes, but MJF keeps pulling him back into the center of the ring.


Page finally gets to the ropes and the hold is broken. Page is in pain and holds his knee as the show cuts to a commercial break. Later on, Page hits MJF with a few clotheslines and a big boot. He has MJF in the corner and picks him up and gets a two-count after hitting a powerslam. Page tries for an Ego's Edge but it doesn't work out. He later hits a Twist of Fate, clearly an homage to his new boss, Matt Hardy.

At one point, Page waves to his daughter before hitting another powerslam. MJF breaks the count before it goes to three. Afterward, Page once goes for the Ego's Edge but his knee can't handle it. MJF responds with a dragon leg whip followed by the Heatseeker for the win.

Winner: MJF

Owen Hart Foundation Men's Tournament Quarterfinals Match: Dustin Rhodes vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Powerhouse Hobbs and Dustin Rhodes lock up. Rhodes puts him in a side headlock to start the match, but Rhodes fights back and tries to pin his opponent. However, Hobbs powers out before the referee can even hit the one count. 


Later on, Hobbs knocks Rhodes out of the ring. He keeps slamming Rhodes' head against the edge of the ring and QT Marshall throws the veteran headfirst into the ring post, but the official doesn't see it. Hobbs proceeds to dominate the match, but Rhodes gets some energy. He hits a lariat on Hobbs, followed by the Cross Rhodes; however, he doesn't go for the cover. Rhodes hits a piledriver and tries for the pin, but only gets a two-count.

Rhodes hits a Code Red but still doesn't get a three-count. Hobbs gets the upper hand again, but his opponent kicks out of the spinebuster. Rhodes hits the powerslam afterward, but gets only a two-count. The match becomes a back-and-forth contest once again until Marshall hits Rhodes with a right hand, allowing Hobbs to capitalize and pick up the win with a spinebuster.


Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs

Match: Miro vs. Anthony Henry

A promo airs ahead of tonight's main event between Samoa Joe and Roderick Strong, in which both men hype up their match and discuss their history as opponents dating back to their days in the original iteration of Ring of Honor.


In the ring, Miro stomps on Anthony Henry and bodyslams him. He proceeds to dominate the match and just keeps throwing Henry around. Henry kicks Miro followed by a double stomp. Unfortunately for the Workhorsman member, his comeback doesn't last long as Miro smashes him in the head and delivers a camel clutch for the submission victory.

Winner: Miro

A post-match promo package shows clips from last week's main event before the show returns to the ring. Tony Schiavone is standing there to conduct an interview with Bullet Club Gold — Jay White, Juice Robinson, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn. Schiavone asks them what is next for Bullet Club Gold. White tells Schiavone that he doesn't like his energy, it's too low. White asks the interviewer if he's jealous and if he wants to join the club. The Gunns talk about how they defeated all the fans' favorites. Schiavone says that Bullet Club members aren't allowed to be out for the Starks vs. Robinson match. White takes the mic and calls out Punk and FTR, noting that he has his eyes on the AEW World Championship that the former has been carrying around.


FTR, Starks, and Punk appear on the big screen afterward. Punk makes fun of White while FTR teases the Gunns. They ask if the Gunns want a match today or next week, telling them that they'll fight them any time.

Owen Hart Foundation Men's Tournament Quarterfinals Match: Ricky Starks vs. Juice Robinson

Following a quick commercial break, Juice Robinson is already in the ring as Ricky Starks comes out. Robinson yells at Starks, saying, 'You think I can't do this on my own?" Starks hits a hip toss and locks the Bullet Club Gold member in a submission hold. However, Robinson finds his way back into the contest and the two men punch each other before he lifts up Starks and tosses him. 


Robinson gains the upper hand and hits a cannonball for the two-count. Starks motions him to get going and hits his rival with a boot to the midsection. Starks gets up and delivers some right hands to Robinson followed by a DDT.

Later on, Robinson uses the Texas cloverleaf on Starks, possibly paying homage to his wife, Toni Storm. Both men are exhausted after a while, but Robinson spears Starks and goes for the pin. Starks then hits a spear of his own, but there's still some fight left in his opponent. Robinson tries for the jackknife and roll-up, but Starks gets the pin instead.

Winner: Ricky Starks

Post-match, Bullet Club Gold comes out and surrounds the ring. FTR and Punk come out to save him as the heels run off.


AEW TBS Championship Match: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Lady Frost

Before the match begins, Christian Cage and Luchasaurus are backstage for an interview. Cage is holding the TNT Championship and Shawn Spears interrupts them. Cage tells him to walk away because he's not dangerous. Spears tells him that he will see him soon and calls him "champ." 


The next match starts and the two lock up. Kris Statlander lets go and the pair trade attacks. After some back-and-forth wrestling, Statlander hits Frost with a piledriver, but the challenger kicks out. Frost hits a German suplex and kicks Statlander, but she can't keep the champion down. Statlander gets her footing back and she hits the Saturday Night Fever for the win, retaining her title. 

Winner: Kris Statlander

Afterward, Andrade El Idolo calls out the House of Black for stealing his mask. He wants it back. Behind him, Malakai Black an his stablemates appear on a screen with El Idolo's mask and taunt him.

Owen Hart Foundation Men's Tournament Quarterfinals Match: Samoa Joe vs. Roderick Strong

CM Punk comes out and makes his way to the commentary table. The crowd seems to be excited, though there are a few boos. Roderick Strong comes out afterward and Samoa Joe follows. The crowd chants, "Joe" as the bell rings. Both men look at each other. They lock up and Strong puts his opponent in a headlock. Strong kicks Joe through the ropes, leading to some back-and-forth brawling between the pair.


Back in the ring, they exchange chops and kicks. It's back and forth. Strong is now in the corner and is hitting manhandled by Joe. Strong is thrown onto the mat and Joe gets a two-count. Joe keeps going for the pin, but Strong keeps kicking out. Joe starts clapping while Strong is on the ground. Strong gets some momentum and tries to knock Joe down. Strong hits the scoop slam followed by the Sick Kick. Joe tries to hit the muscle buster, but he can't. Strong slams Joe and goes for the pin, but the former TNT Champion kicks out. Both men are standing toe to toe now. Strong tries for the End of Heartache but instead gets choked out by Joe. He passes out.

Winner: Samoa Joe via referee stoppage

Post-match, Joe attacks Strong with a steel chair. Adam Cole rushes out to check on his friend as the medical team puts Strong on a stretcher. Prior to the vicious beatdown on Strong, Joe looked like he was going to go after Punk with the chair, building tension for their upcoming match in the next round of the tournament.

