Mick Foley Details The 'Tough Night' He Had After Legendary WWE Hell In A Cell

Mick Foley has taken some crazy bumps throughout his entire career, but arguably the most memorable took place during his historic Hell In A Cell encounter against The Undertaker. To the surprise of few, Foley revealed that evening was a difficult night due to the pain he was in. 


"Al Snow was my roommate that night. I didn't get back for about four hours, because I went to the emergency room," he recalled on "Foley Is Pod." "Even in my sleep I was — I guess making some noises like it was really a tough, tough night for me."

Foley sustained multiple injuries during that encounter, including a concussion which he believes came courtesy of his second major fall. While being thrown from the roof down to the floor certainly caused an impact, the "Hardcore Legend" believes that it was being dropped through the roof to the ring that led to that.

"At that time I didn't know that bone-jarring bumps could rattle your brain," he said. "The table did break my fall to some extent, and like I said because there were two big bumps I can't tell which one did the most damage, but I was really hurting for about six weeks with all the injuries." 


Despite the ridiculous punishment that he sustained at the time, Foley confirmed he didn't ever get the internal part of his body checked out at the time. However, it was clear from some of his symptoms that he certainly sustained issues on the inside.

"There was definitely some blood in the urine for a few days and real tenderness around either the kidney or liver," he said. "It was one of the two organs that were probably injured and really affected me.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Foley Is Pod" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

