Mojo Rawley Believes Matt Cardona Is Much Better Than Zack Ryder Ever Was

It's no secret that Matt Cardona doesn't look back on his time in the Hype Bros with Mojo Rawley favorably. "The Death Match King" has taken to dunking on the team and his former partner whenever he can. However, the feeling is mutual. The man now known as Mojo Muhtadi wasn't a huge fan either, and he recently gave some insight into why the pairing in WWE just didn't work.


While appearing on the podcast "You Know I'm Right," Muhtadi shared that he and "The Michael Jordan of Wrestling Figure Collecting" just had completely different approaches to the business. Because of that, if they were ever to reconnect on the independent scene, the reunion would not be as allies.

"You better believe that if we're bringing this thing back, it's not to team with each other," said Mojo. "We did that dance. We both have very publicly stated we were given that job [and] we tried to do the best we could with that job. When it comes to wrestling, Matt and I see everything just totally opposite, which made for some fun at one point ... But yeah if we wrestle again, it will absolutely be against each other. "


Stay Hype!

After that rather definitive statement on their future together, Mojo Muhtadi did have some complimentary things to say about the former Zack Ryder. Muhtadi recognized that the "Indy God" is on a roll right now and is probably on the run of his career. Then he lamented the fact that we couldn't see this version in WWE.


"Matt's done some incredible things in his career," admitted the former WWE star. "Honestly, I think he's hotter now than he ever has been and it's a testament to what he's been willing to do ... I think this is the best Matt Cardona there's ever been."

He feels that this version of Cardona would beat the hell out of Zack Ryder, the character he portrayed in WWE.

"I think Matt Cardona would kick the crap out of Zack Ryder. I think the attitude that he has now and everything he's doing would have been great with the Hype Bros. We could have really done something cool with that, being able to tap into this whole mean streak and different side. Obviously, a lot of the things he's doing now he couldn't have done it then, but you know maybe that's what makes it so good too," said Muhtadi.


While it's wise to never say never in professional wrestling, it's probably safe to say that the time for the Hype Bros has passed. But even if they're on opposite ends of the spectrum, hopefully, Cardona appreciates the praise from his one-time company-appointed companion.

