AEW Dynamite Results (6/14): MJF Vs. Adam Cole, Two Title Matches, The Elite Compete, Will Ospreay Appears

This is Wrestling INC.'s live coverage of "AEW Dynamite" for June 14, 2023.

Tonight's show will be headlined by a title eliminator match as MJF makes a rare in-ring appearance on "Dynamite" to compete against Adam Cole after they had a war of words last week. Cole made it clear he wants a shot at the AEW World Championship and that is something that he could earn tonight by defeating the champion in singles action. 


Elsewhere The Elite will be in action as The Young Bucks team up with Adam Page to continue their rivalry against Blackpool Combat Club. They will face Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta, and Claudio Castagnoli in six-man tag team action. 

There will also be two title matches on tonight's show, with Toni Storm putting her AEW World Women's Championship on the line as she faces Skye Blue after she earned the title bout last week. Elsewhere, Wardlow will continue his TNT Championship run by defending his title against Jake Hager all while having Christian Cage and Luchasaurus continuing to be on his case.

Last week Orange Cassidy managed to defend his AEW International Championship against Swerve Strickland, but it came at a price as he was attacked by the rest of the Mogul Embassy. He ended up being saved by Sting and Darby Allin and tonight all three men will join forces alongside Keith Lee to compete against all four members of the Mogul Embassy, who will aim to continue growing their domination over AEW on the whole. 


Adam Cole vs. MJF (AEW World Title Eliminator Match)

MJF gets the best of Adam Cole early on with a shoulder tackle which leads to him mocking Cole's trademark pose. However, he turns around and teases a superkick which MJF avoids, but it leads to Cole hitting his catchphrase as MJF leaves the ringside area and throws a fan's popcorn around. MJF gets back into the ring and regains control, but he talks trash too much and Cole pulls him into the turnbuckles headfirst as he then hammers down punches to the champion. 


Cole sends MJF to the outside, but his baseball slide doesn't work as MJF catches him inside the ring curtain and then slams his arm onto the steel stairs. MJF hen grabs and a handful of hair and drags Cole back to the mat as he then attacks the hand again. MJF hits a pump handle slam, but that is only able to get him a near fall. Cole responds with a superkick that busts MJF open, following it with an enziguri and then a backstabber, and this time it is MJF kicking out.

Cole attempts a Panama Sunrise but MJF has it scouted and then Cole reverses the Heat Seeker while MJF avoids the Boom. Instead, MJF hits a shoulder breaker, but Cole responds with one of his own as the two continue to go back and forth. The duo battle onto the ring apron as Cole looks for a Panama Sunrise but MJF blocks it with a throat chop and then a piledriver onto the ring apron. 


Back inside the ring the two trade chops, forearms, and slaps, but it is Cole who comes out on top with a trio of superkicks, yet MJF responds with a huge lariat. They then trade submissions as Cole drags MJF into the middle of the ring with an Ankle Lock, but the champion reverses only for Cole to reach the ropes. MJF connects with the Heat Seeker, but Cole is able to kick out to keep the match going.

MJF sets Cole up on the timekeeper's table and scales the top turnbuckle, nailing an Elbow Drop to the outside. Despite that, Cole beats the 10 count and then drives MJF into the ring apron with a suplex. MJF then argues with the official which allows Cole to go for a roll up but as MJF kicks out he pushes Cole into the official who goes down. He then tries the Eddie Guerrero trick with the World title but the official stays down. This allows Cole to nail MJF with the title and he then hits the Boom, but MJF kicks out! Cole goes for the move again, but MJF just collapses due to tiredness. 

MJF then obscures the official's vision and connects with a low blow, allowing him to put the Dynamite Diamond ring on but the official blocks him from using it. Cole then hits a superkick and the Panama Sunrise before another Boom. However, before the official hits three, the bell rings as the 30-minute time limit runs out.


Result: Time Limit Draw

Cole gets the microphone and demands five more minutes, but MJF opts to walk away.

Renee Paquette Interviews Sammy Guevara

A video package then airs hyping up CM Punk's return as he admits that he has got a lot of things to get off his chest. 

Renee Paquette is then shown inside the ring as she brings out Sammy Guevara. He says the past few months have been some of the highest of highs and lowest of lows. He tells people he's having a girl, while admitting he suffered a low by coming short of winning the AEW World title. However the goal has been the same, he will have his baby in one arm and the title in the other. 


Before that happens he needs to make some changes here in AEW, and that leads to Darby Allin coming out. Allin says it sounds like the people are starting to love Guevara again, but he asks if he will continue living in the shadow of the JAS. This brings out Jericho himself, he asks Guevara why he never called him or asked for his help once while he was chasing after the AEW World title. Jericho says if he'd asked for help then Guevara would be champion right now.

However, Guevara asks Jericho the same question about his feud with Adam Cole, claiming he wouldn't have lost to him twice. Jericho demands an apology, but Guevara says he's not apologizing for sh*t. Jericho says they might need to reunite Le Sex Gods next week so that Guevara can remember who his boss is, and Allin then claims when Jericho steps in the ring the magic is gone. Jericho wonders if he and Guevara should beat the hell out of Allin, but he points out that he's not alone as Sting appears. The two men then point their bats at each other as Sting eventually makes him back down. 


Sanada is then shown in a pre-taped interview. He says there will be an open challenge for the IWGP Championship at Forbidden Door and he's waiting for a reply from the AEW roster. 

Mogul Embassy vs. Sting, Darby Allin, Keith Lee, & Orange Cassidy

Darby Allin and Orange Cassidy immediately dive out of the ring while inside Sting takes control of Swerve Strickland as he and his partner hit several splhes in the corner. However, Brian Cage pulls Sting out of the ring and into the steel stairs, but Allin manages to hit a Code Red. As he looks for an aerial move he gets pulled down and Mogul Embassy begin to take control. 


Cage powers him up and suplexes Allin back into the ring as Strickland gets back in to work down on Allin's shoulder. Allin then gets thrown into a powerbomb from Cage with Strickland then kicking him in the face, but Cassidy breaks up the pinfall. Allin hits a stunner though and Keith Lee tags in and starts cleaning house as he eventually gets his hands on his former partner, but that allows his opponents to take control of him four on one. They power him up into the air as Strickland then dives from the top turnbuckle to stomp him down. 

Allin and Cassidy break the pinfall attempt while Cassidy DDT's Strickland but gets caught by Cage who slams him down. Allin dropkicks him out only for Bishop Kaun to drop him as he turns around into an attack from Sting. Toa Liona cuts him off though only to be pounced out of the ring by Lee. Chaos then takes place but it resulds in Allin hitting the Coffin Drop to a group outside the ring. 


Inside the ring, Cage has Sitng up ready to win only for Cassidy to hit an Orange Punch which turns into a Scorpion Deathdorp as Sting wins it for his team. 

Winners: Sting, Darby Allin, Orange Cassidy & Keith Lee

The Gunns are then shown backstage as they call out the Hardys for next week. 

Wardlow (c) vs. Jake Hager (TNT Championship Match)

Jake Hager jumps Wardlow from behind during his entrance to get the upper hand early, but the TNT Champion quickly turns things around, dominating him inside the ring before throwing him out via the steel stairs. Wardlow then launches his challenger around the outside of the ring before continuing to dominate inside the squared circle. 


However, Wardlow misses with a shoulder attack in the corner, and that allows Hager to throw some right hands of his own before hanging his knee on the ring apron to add further damage. He then sets in the Ankle Lock, but the champion kicks his way out before hitting a spine buster. 2.0 then make their way down to the ringside area to distract Wardlow, but Brock and Arn Anderson fight them to the back. 

With nobody by Wardlow's side, Hager takes advantage and slams him to the mat before attempting his splash in the corner which is countered with a kick to the face. Wardlow then clotheslines him over the top rope and launches himself over the top down onto Hager below. He follows it with a senton inside the ring and that is followed by the Powerbomb Symphony. 


Winner (and still TNT Champion): Wardlow

Christian Cage and Luchasaurus are then shown on the screen as they reveal Luchasaurus is accepting the open challenge for a shot...this Saturday. Cage then questions what happens when Wardlow's new daddy isn't there to save him as Arn Anderson is shown bloody and beaten up.

Hiroshi Tanahashi is then shown in a pre-tape challenging MJF at Forbidden Door. He then hears the news from Renee Paquette and he says no and as far as Tony Khan booking him, this wouldn't be the first time he no showed as he tells Tanahashi, "No can do, bud."

Orange Cassidy is shown backstage and Zack Sabre Jr. turns up challenging him, and then Daniel Garcia then appears as he wants to face Katsuyori Shibata. Cassidy sets up a tag team match between them all for next week.

Toni Stom (c) vs. Skye Blue (AEW Women's World Championship Match)

Sky Blue takes the fight to the champion straight away, unloading a series of forearm strikes as she then kicks Ruby Soho on the outside as well before hitting a diving crossbody to Toni Storm. Blue misses with a knee strike but she then avoids the hop attack from her and she delivers one of her own as Blue's mom then starts mocking them. However, Storm sprays her in the face for her troubles which leads to Blue diving outside to take out both women. 


The champion turns things around by launching Blue into the barricade and she continues to inflict damage onto her with a backbreaker and then a slam which gets her a near fall. Storm nails a snap suplex as Soho then attacks Blue, but she continues to fight back only for Storm to pull her tights, sending Blue into the ropes. Soho then distracts the official as Storm tries to use the spray paint but Blue is a step ahead as she has her own paint. 

Blue sprays Storm in the face and then hits Code Blue, but Soho distracts the official. Blue superkicks her off the apron, and that then allows the champion to hit Storm Zero, yet Blue kicks out! The Texas Cloverleaf then gets locked in and Storm retains her title. 


Winner (and still AEW Women's World Champion): Toni Storm

After the match they attack Blue until Willow Nightingale sprints down to the ring to even the numbers with Saraya not here tonight.

JungleHOOOK are shown backstage and Jungle Boy reveals he feels naked without a title so he is accepting Sanada's open challenge. He says it would mean the world to hi if HOOK would be in his corner. 

Blackpool Combat Club vs. The Young Bucks & Adam Page

Straight away all six men begin brawling inside the ring with The Elite nailing superkicks for all their opponents which sends them packing as Wheeler Yuta gets powerbombed onto the apron. Meanwhile, Matt Jackson's partners both dive to the outside as they then hold Yuta as he hangs from the ring apron which allows Page to drop him with a moonsault.


Jon Moxley then gets dropped with a crossbody from Nick Jackson before leaping over the top rope to plant him to the mat. He tries to dive outside to Claudio Castagnoli but he gets caught and thrown into the air as Castagnoli nails an uppercut. However, while he and Moxley stand together Matt Jackson then dives out of the ring to take out both men. Outside the ring, Yuta hits a German suplex to Matt, while Moxley regains control against Nick inside the ring.

Yuta then begins working the lag of Nick and the BCC starts taking control with frequent tags with Moxley hitting a vertical suplex which gets a near fall. However, Nick catches Moxley with a dropkick, and Page is able to tag in as he lights up the BCC with Yuta getting sent flying with a fallaway slam, and Page dives between him and Castagnoli on the outside to build momentum. 


Page then hits a lariat from the top turnbuckle as Matt then comes in to hit his Northern Lights suplexes, and then a double one that features Moxley as well. A flurry of attacks takes place then and BCC regains control with a Doomsday Device, but Matt Jackson kicks out and is immediately hit with Moxley's elbows. He then locks in a sleeper while Castagnoli blocks Page only for Nick to leap from the top turnbuckle to break up the pinfall. 

Yuta then gets launched to Matt but he brings the knees up and the superkick party then commences as BTE Trigger and a Buckshot Lariat are hit to Yuta while The Young Bucks dive outside to Yuta's partners. 

Winners: The Elite

After the match, the BCC starts attacking The Elite until Eddie Kingston returns! He immediately attacks Castagnoli with the two of them brawling inside the ring as Kingston comes out on top. He then turns around to face Jon Moxley but they don't fight. Matt Jackson attacks Moxley instead but Kingston stops it and Moxley then fires up against his friend. While they all argue, Konosuke Takeshita turns up and drops Kingston until Kenny Omega returns and he and Takeshita brawl inside the ring. Omega gets the best of the situation but Will Ospreay then appears and catches Omega with a kick to the face and a running forearm strike. 

