Impact Wrestling Results (05/04): Trinity Makes Her First Impact Appearance

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "Impact Wrestling" on May 4, 2023!

This week's episode will feature the anticipated debut of Trinity, who was formerly known as Naomi in WWE. Impact has advertised that she will appear with a "live mic" to address her future in the company. This segment was taped on Friday in Chicago. It marks her first televised appearance in a wrestling capacity since she walked out of WWE in May 2022.


Elsewhere on the show, Impact World Champion Steve Maclin will team up with Shera and Champagne Singh to take on PCO and two partners of his choosing. Maclin and PCO are set to clash for the world title at Impact Under Siege later this month on May 26. Additionally, another tag bout will see Moose and Brian Myers battle Yuya Uemura and Bhupinder Gujjar.

Mike Bailey and Jonathan Gresham will clash once again in what will be their fourth singles match in Impact this year. They were tied at one win apiece before their third match was a contender's match for the right to challenge Trey Miguel for the X-Division Championship. Miguel interfered, prompting a three-way title bout, however Miguel still escaped as champion. Bailey and Gresham look to officially settle the score tonight.


We will also see newcomer Jody Threat take on Alisha Edwards, who recently turned heel and re-emerged as an in-ring competitor. It's also being advertised that Sami Callihan has accepted Deaner's challenge for a match, so expect some development there with the former Design teammates.

Remember to refresh the page throughout the night for the latest results.

Moose & Myers vs. Uemura & Gujjar; Callihan vs. Kon

Moose sidesteps a Gargoyle Spear, but then Gujjar dodges Moose's spear and hits a slingblad to counter. Myers breaks the cover. Yuya dukes it out with Myers but then runs into an elevated flatliner. Moose spears Gujjar for the win.


Winners: Moose & Brian Myers

Gia Miller interviews Maclin, Shera, and Singh in the locker room.

We then pivot to Dirty Dango's investigation room as Joe Hendry walks in with a pair of black eyes. Hendry suggests it could be Trey Miguel who attacked Santino.

Sami Callihan comes out, followed by The Design. Deaner says Sami made the biggest mistake of his life when he smashed him in the face with the bat. Deaner says Sami accepted a challenge to fight Kon. The Design gang up on Sami before the other two leave.

Kon vs. Sami Callihan

Sami takes Kon to the corner but then gets booted. Sami lifts Kon up, drops him, then pulls the rope down for him to fall out. Kon catches Sami's boot on the apron and then trips him on his face. After the break, Sami kicks out of a cover. Kon locks up Callihan in a side bearhug. Sami works his way out by raking the eyes. Sami rips Kon's shirt off and delivers chops. Sami gets clobbered by big blows, but Callihan drops him. Deaner distracts on the apron with a bat in hand. Deaner does thumbs down and then an army of yellow-hooded men attack Sami and the match gets thrown out.


Winner: No Contest

Trey is questioned backstage by Dango and Hendry. 

Jimmy Jacobs interviews Nick Aldis again about how he's feeling after a few weeks. Aldis says when he returned, he stated his intentions were to be in the hunt for the world title and never expected to be handed a title shot. He wants to prove his worth all over again. Kenny King interrupts and teases a match. King says Aldis has to work his way up to a match with him.

Alisha Edwards vs. Jody Threat; 6-Man Tag Match

Alisha delivers a slap out of the gate, but Threat comes back to take her down. On the apron, Threat boots Alisha in the head and then re-enters the ring with a shoulder block. Alisha gets clotheslined in the corner but then pulls Threat by the hair down onto the mat. Alisha smashes Jody's head into the mat and tries a cover. Threat hits a release german suplex and then the F416 for the win.


Winner: Jody Threat

Gia interviews MCMG backstage. Sabin says he's going for his 9th X-Division title at Under Siege, while Shelley says he wants to go for his first world title.

Part 2 of interviews with Frankie Kazarian — he talks about going to ROH and then eventually AEW. But he decided to bet on himself rather than be complacent and returned home to where his legacy is.

Steve Maclin, Champagne Singh & Shera vs. PCO, Heath & Rhino

Singh starts the match with PCO. Shera eventually gains control over Heath. Maclin comes in and takes Heath down and then bumps Rhino off the apron. Heath comes back with a power slam on the champ. PCO and Singh get tags. Singh runs into a big knee before Shera gets bumped off the apron. PCO drops Singh with a DDT and then does a rolling flip through the ropes. Shera attacks PCO while the ref is distracted. PCO gets put in the turnbuckle by Maclin, but he gets right back up. Maclin retreats and eats a gore outside the ring. Singh runs into PCO as Heath hits a Wake Up Call from behind. PCO hits the PCOsault for the win.


Winner: PCO, Heath & Rhino

A vignette for The Coven airs as it appears Deonna and Jordynne are in their sights.

Jessicka convinces Rosemary to snap in Father James Mitchell. Rosemary goes to the undead realm with him and leaves Jessicka with an hour glass to show when she will return.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Mike Bailey

Gresham tries to keep Bailey grounded for a while, but Speedball is able to hit a double knees on Gresham on the apron. Bailey takes advantage by hitting a moonsault off the ropes to take Gresham down again. After the break, Bailey still has control and knees Gresham in the ropes. They counter each other several times as Gresham finds his footing again. Bailey takes him down again as the crowd breaks out with a "this is awesome chant." They both lock wrists and then Mike headbutts. Gresham breaks it, but Bailey delivers several kicks. Bailey does the tornado kick across the ring before trying Ultimo Weapon. Gresham applies the Octopus Stretch for the win.


Winner: Jonathan Gresham

Callihan is talking to the camera backstage when Rich Swann enters the picture. They argue for a bit as Swann says Sami always picks hectic fights and then asks for help. Sami says he doesn't want the lecture, he just wants to know if Rich will help him or not.

Earlier, Maclin confronted D'Amore about what Rhino did to him. D'Amore then books a singles match between them next week.

Set for next week:

  • Steve Maclin vs. Rhino
  • Frankie Kazarian interview Part 3
  • Nick Aldis vs. Sheldon Jean
  • Killer Kelly vs. Masha Slamovich
  • Knockouts Tag Titles: The Coven (c) vs. Purrazzo & Grace

Trinity debuts

Trinity makes her awaited appearance to a loud reception from the Chicago crowd. She thanks them for the welcome as they break out in "welcome back" chants that make her emotional. She says it feels good to be back in a ring and in a place where she can glow. She says that the Knockouts division has been the place for fierce competition, and she wants a piece of it. She mentions Awesome Kong, Gail Kim, Mickie James, Deonna Purrazzo, and Jordynne Grace. Trinity says she's here to win more gold and she's ready to shine. She says she's here to make an Impact and she wants the Knockouts title.


Purrazzo makes her way down to the ring. Deonna says Trinity invoked her name and her title, so she thought she should be the first to welcome her to Impact. Deonna mentions Trinity has done her homework, and if so, she knows she's walking into the new age of The Virtuosa. Deonna says she's been exactly where Trinity is now, and it's nerve-wracking. Deonna makes it clear that Trinity won't just walk out of a match with her. Trinity says that when she steps in the ring with her, she'll wish she got fired again.

Jordynne Grace joins the conversation. She mentions the heat in the ring and then says Trinity will have to come find her for a title shot because Grace plans on winning it at Under Siege. Trinity puts both women on notice as Deonna and Jordynne staredown in the ring. Trinity dances up on the ramp. 

