AEW Dynamite Results (4/26): Orange Cassidy Vs. Bandido, Valkyrie Challenges Cargill

This is Wrestling INC.'s live coverage of "AEW Dynamite" for April 26, 2023!

Tonight's show will feature several title matches as Orange Cassidy puts his AEW International Championship on the line as he aims to continue his impressive run of matches when he faces Bandido. Elsewhere, Jade Cargill will face her biggest test to date as she defends the TBS Championship against Taya Valkyrie, but the challenger is banned from hitting her Road to Valhalla finisher during this encounter. 

The build toward Double Or Nothing will also continue as MJF learns who he will defend the AEW World Championship against as the brief tournament concludes. Last week the champion helped Sammy Guevera defeat Jungle Boy to progress to this match, but now the "Spanish God" has to compete against Darby Allin with the winner earning the shot against MJF.

There is big tag team action expected as Kenny Omega will be teaming with Konosuke Takeshita after the latter was brought to the ring last week by Don Callis to help The Elite against Blackpool Combat Club. However, today the duo will be competing against The Butcher and The Blade, who will b aiming to secure a major victory. Tag team expert Dax Harwood will also be in the ring, but tonight he is in singles action against Jeff Jarrett. 

Wardlow and Arn Anderson are set to talk on the show following the surprise news that they are now working together last week. Adam Cole is also set to address the fans after he witnessed his partner Britt Baker be brutally beaten down by The Outcasts while he was handcuffed to the ring.

Finally, fans can expect to hear from Tony Khan on the show tonight. What Khan will be saying is unknown, but his appearances typically bring big news for the company.

Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Bandido (AEW International Championship Match)

The two men have a standoff early on going back and forth as Orange Cassidy manages to send Bandido to the outside but he doesn't dive out and instead hits the brakes and puts his hands in his pockets. When Bandido gets back in the champion gets the best of the situation and dropkicks Bandido back out and this time he does dive to the outside but he gets caught and dropped onto the barricade. 

Back inside the ring the challenger charges into Cassidy in the corner and he follows it with a stretched muffler with the arm captured at the same time but Cassidy gets to the ropes. Bandido then drop kicks Cassidy out of the ring before diving over the top rope to wipe him out. After sending Cassidy down the stairs Bandido locks in the surfboard to add further damage. 

Bandido then lifts Cassidy up for the delayed vertical suplex, but Cassidy reverses with a stunner and several slow chops, but Bandido just fires back with several thrust kicks, but Cassidy then counters again and slams Bandido into the turnbuckles repeatedly. Cassidy connects with the diving crossbody and then a Michinoku Driver but Bandido kicks out. He then plays possum and connects with another kick and he just superplexes Cassidy back into the ring before nailing a cutter and this time it is Cassidy kicking out. 

The two once again head to the top turnbuckle and the champion hits a crossbody but Bandido catches him and drops him with a single arm before connecting with a Frog Splash which gets a near fall. Cassidy almost catches Bandido with a mouse trap pinfall, but he kicks out and then almost catches Cassidy with one of his own. However, as Bandido then throws Cassidy into the air he comes back with an Orange Punch and then Beach Break!

Winner (and still AEW International Champion): Orange Cassidy

Backstage Renee Paquette is shown with Adam Cole who says tonight he's going out to the ring to call out Chris Jericho, and he will show him the mistake he made. If he doesn't come out, Cole will find him. 

Dax Harwood vs. Jeff Jarrett

Renee Paquette is shown with Darby Allin and Jack Perry and Allin says they both went too far and he wants to kill that between them. He says if he knew what would happen last week he'd have been at ringside and he says if Perry cares about the pillar stuff he will have his back tonight. Perry wishes it would have been them two tonight and Allin agrees as he'd have beaten him again. 

Jeff Jarret and Dax Harwood waste no time getting into things but the veteran comes out on top with a few shoulder tackles and hip tosses as the FTR member struggles to get any momentum. Harwood responds with a few chops but Jarrett immediately regains control with stomps in the corner. However, Jarrett trash talks too long which sees Harwood hit a snap suplex and a leg drop.

He places Jarrett onto the top turnbuckle but it is Harwood who goes crashing down. Jarrett takes the fight outside the ring and he then sends Harwood crashing into the turnbuckles sternum first and then he slows things down with a sleeper hold which leads to them going back and forth with punches until Jarrett hits a knee breaker. However, Harwood then aims for a Sharpshooter but it gets blocked only for Harwood to avoid the attack in the corner to then hit a diving headbutt and this time it's Jarrett kicking out. 

Harwood then nails the Piledriver, but Jarrett just about manages to kick out before stumbling out of the ring and up the ramp, but Harwood drives him back. Jarrett avoids Harwood's top rope attempt and then catapults him into the turnbuckle as the following roll-up got him a near fall. Harwood responds with a short-arm lariat, but then as he tries to suplex Jarrett into the ring Sonjay Dutt appears and pulls his leg so Jarrett lands on him. That gets a near fall but as Harwood chases Dutt he gets back into the ring to be dropped by The Stroke. 

Winner: Jeff Jarrett

Wardlow In Action

Tony Khan is then shown and reveals that the opening ceremony of the Owen Hart Cup will take place at Double Or Nothing, and the tournament will be held in Canada, including matches at Forbidden Door. The finals will take place in Hart's hometown on July 15.

Wardlow is out next with Arn Anderson by his side and he immediately drops his opponent with a headbutt and then the reared-back lariat. He immediately tunes up the Powerbomb Symphony and nails four of them. 

Winner: Wardlow

Arn Anderson tells him to get in an ice bath and have a 12-pack. He says people are asking why he is with Wardlow, and he says he beat a hell of a man in Powerhouse Hobbs which should make it even sweeter. Anderson says he has figured out who is who in the dressing room, he claims that Wardlow is AEW's dynasty. He doesn't think there's anybody that has got what Wardlow's got or has the future he has. 

Anderson says Wardlow can put AEW on his shoulders and take the company to the next millennium but there are some things he needs to agree with him on. He might have to pull a guy's eye out or crack someone with a chair, but he is interrupted by Christian Cage and Luchasaurus. Cage gets to the steel stairs but he decides against it and he and his monster back down and retreat even though the masked man doesn't want to initially. 

Backstage MJF is shown telling Sammy Guevera it's his big moment, but Guevara says it's their moment. MJF says people are saying he is a gutless coward as he asked for his because he couldn't win a four-way. Guevara says people are saying him taking money to lay down at Double Or Nothing is ruining this sport ... but they don't care! Guevara then reveals he has a matching vest for MJF, while he has got Guevara his own scarf.

RJ City gets blindsided by Jon Moxley as he says tonight will be a big night for the BCC as they have scars to leave.

Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara (winner faces MJF at Double Or Nothing)

Darby Allin starts out in control of the encounter with his huge hip toss helping to start that, but Sammy Guevara responds with a knee to the back and then launches Allin into the ring post. Allin replies with some slaps as he then drives Guevara down onto the middle rope, but as Allin tries to suplex him from the apron to the floor Guevara grabs the official and low blows Allin. He follows that up with a moonsault to Allin, adding further damage with a series of forearm strikes. 

Guevara locks in a submission but Allin gets to the ropes only for him to eat a big boot to the face. Guevara tries to go to the top turnbuckle but Allin tries to fight him off only to be pushed down as Guevara connects with a Frog Splash, but Allin kicks out. Guevara then looks for Three Amigos but Allin stops him in his tracks and drops Guevara to the mat, but as he tries to dive out afterward Guevara catches him in mid-air with a cutter to counter it!

Guevera then gets out a table but it is he who ends up on it until Tay Melo comes down to distract Allin on the top turnbuckle as the "Spanish God" gets up and hits him with a Spanish Fly. Guevera then launches himself from the top turnbuckle with a 630 Senton which drives Allin through the table. Allin beats the count so MJF charges down to ringside and Melo distracts the official which leads to MJF trying to use a skateboard. He doesn't though and instead throws it to Allin and Guevara takes a page out of the Eddie Guerrero playbook and pretends to be hurt and the official gives a DQ win to Guevara. 

Winner: Sammy Guevara

The two men then beat up Allin until Jack Perry makes the save, but Allin isn't happy with him. MJF then tells them to beat the living hell out of each other as he says the main event of Double Or Nothing is him v Guevara. Tony Schiavone then gets on the microphone and says Tony Khan has told him next week it will be MJF & Guevara vs. Perry and Allin and if the latter two win, it becomes a 4-way.

Backstage MJF says Khan has been playing games and says where he goes the triple B follows. They get to a car and MJF claims it's full, even though it isn't. 

Adam Cole Speaks

Adam Cole hits the ring and immediately says he knows Jericho can hear him. He says it's one thig for them to beat him up, but the fact they handcuffed him and made him watch the beating on Britt Baker for no reason is unforgivable. He says Jericho has crossed a line he can't come back from and he's going to hurt him badly, and tells Jericho to get into the ring as he's going to smash his face. 

Jericho is then shown on the titantron and he says he doesn't want to be anywhere near a man like Cole, who let the love of his life get beaten. He claims Cole did nothing and is a coward and he wants nothing to do with him in the ring tonight ... but his guys will, and the rest of Jericho Appreciation Society hit the ring and start attacking him. Cassidy and Bandido hit the ring but they're still outnumbered and JAS remain in control of the situation. 

However, Roderick Strong hits the ring and starts cleaning house!!! Strong wastes no time in taking down the group showcasing his backbreakers as he is met with a great reaction from the live crowd. Strong and Cole then face off in the ring and they hug it out to another big pop. 

The latest QTV episode is shown as QT Marshall says it's been a rough few weeks and Hobbs pins him to the wall and Marshall points out he made Hobbs a champion and Hobbs tells him t fix it so Marshall says it's time for plan B.

Jade Cargill (c) vs. Taya Valkyrie (TBS Championship Match)

The two women lock up and then Jade Cargill takes control early on, but as Taya Valkyrie bounces off the turnbuckles she immediately drops the champion with a clothesline. She looks for her finisher but is reminded that she's not allowed to do it so instead she takes Cargill into the corner to keep up the attack but the champion rakes the eyes and turns things around for herself. 

Valkyrie tries to send Cargill out to the floor but Cargill skins the cat only to be booted back out. The fight continues on the apron as Valkyrie is dropped into the splits on the ring apron as Cargill then slams her to the floor. The champion continues the attack outside the ring, slamming her opponent into the stairs as she follows it with a thrust kick. Cargill then slowly works on her opponent, but she misses wildly with a leg drop and then an attack in the corner which allows the challenger to connect with a knee strike and then several lariats. 

Valkyrie hits the Blue Thunder Bomb but Cargill kicks out to keep the title match alive. Valkyrie then runs into a big boot in the corner as Cargill puts her onto the top turnbuckle and connects with a superplex! She follows that up with a Canadian Destroyer, but Valkyrie kicks out. She looks for Jaded but Valkyrie gets out of it and then stomps on her stomach and this time it is Cargill kicking out. Valkyrie considers using her finisher again but while she contemplates breaking the rules Cargill rolls her up to retain. 

Winner (and still TBS Champion): Jade Cargill

After the match Valkyrie attacks Mark Sterling and tries to hit Aubrey Edwards with the Road To Valhalla but other officials stop it from happening. 

Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter are shown backstage and they claim The Outcasts have forgotten what they're capable of. Hayter says The Outcasts have declared war, and it only ends with sending them to the morgue.

Konosuke Takeshita & Kenny Omega vs. The Butcher & The Blade

The Blade and Konosuke Takeshita start things off as they trade big strikes as Takeshita wins out with a dropkick and Kenny Omega comes in to attack the back and injured shoulder of The Blade. They make frequent tags to stay fresh with both men hitting impressive aerial moves which forces The Blade to kick out. He rakes the eyes of Omega and then chops Omega, but he responds with a hurricanrana. 

Omega attacks The Butcher, but as he tries to prepare to dive outside the ring Kip Sabian grabs his leg Butcher then runs into him which is followed by Sabian bouncing off the top rope to attack Omega as well. Butcher and Blade then work together to isolate Omega, but he goes back and forth with Blade, but The Elite star gets the best of the situation and attacks the knee before driving him face-first to the mat. 

Takeshita and Butcher come in but a crossbody from Takeshita gives him the advantage before hitting the Takeshita Line and a running pump kick. He then powers up the big man to hit a brainbuster, but his knee strike is then blocked as Blade gets involved again, and that distraction allows Butcher to hit a backbreaker. They then go back and forth with some tandem work as Omega is also dumped outside the ring. 

Takeshita and Omega respond with tandem work of their own but the Blue Thunder Bomb isn't enough to get the win. Omega hits the snap dragon suplex to Blade and he then dives out of the ring to wipe him out again alongside Sabian. Back inside the ring, Takeshita hits the Power Drive Knee to get the win. 

Winners: Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita

Bryan Danielson then gets on the microphone and talks trash to Kenny Omega and says Takeshita should be training with BCC. The rest of the group turn up and Takeshita gets thrown out of the ring while they attack Omega. However, The Young Bucks turn up and they take advantage. Outside the ring, Danielson talks to Takeshita and he puts himself in the way of Omega trying to use the screwdriver, and that allows BCC to dominate again. They then raise Takeshita's hand and he is confused and then they attack him as well as Moxley hammers in the screwdriver to his head. 

