Wrestlers React To Losing Blue Checkmark To Verify Twitter Accounts

On April 20, 2023, Twitter began taking away blue "verified account" checkmarks from users not paying the $8 per month for Twitter Blue. Wrestlers are not immune to that, and many have sounded off over the past 24 hours since their checkmark disappeared. From Alexa Bliss, Nikki Cross, Raquel Rodriguez, and Taya Valkyrie either warning others of scammers or reiterating where to find them across social media, to WWE Official Adam Pearce conducting a simple poll while Sheamus riffs off his "banger after banger after banger" bit with a "No Blue Check Mark after No Blue Check Mark after No Blue Check Mark" response, a lot of wrestlers are opting to just move forward without one.

There are exceptions to this, of course. AEW World Champion MJF appears to have kept his checkmark under the guise of him and Sammy Guevara purchasing Twitter Blue for one another, tweeting "Me and my new friend Sammy both agreed to pay for each others blue check marks that way we wouldn't be marks paying for our own." Guevara, it seems, is still waiting for MJF to hold up his end of the bargain. Dustin Rhodes, on the other hand, claims to have paid for Twitter Blue, but doesn't have a checkmark at the moment, causing him to reach out to Elon Musk directly for assistance.

Oh, and for those fans bothered by potentially fake celebrity accounts giving their own a follow, listen to Chris Jericho and keep an eye on their follower count. The AEW star currently has over 3.5 million followers, while at least one account pretending to be him has 0. At the end of the day, a lot of wrestlers seem to be at peace with no longer having a blue checkmark. Now it's just a matter of seeing how many times they'll be impersonated.

