Jimmy Korderas Thinks A Saturday Night AEW Show Might Be Too Much On Their Plate

While it hasn't been confirmed at this point, the rumors of AEW adding a two-hour Saturday show have been running rampant lately which has led to plenty of online discussions. Former WWE official Jimmy Korderas has been the latest to share his thoughts during his latest "Reffin Rant" where he admitted that "there's so much going on."

There have been claims that a roster split could be taking place to accommodate this extra show, with CM Punk being a name that has been attached to the potential new show that is rumored to be called "AEW Collision." However, with AEW already having four shows and the weekly Ring Of Honor content, there have been question marks regarding the decision to add more content. 

"What do you do with the Friday night show, the one-hour special? Is it going to be an ROH-exclusive show," Korderas asked. "So many questions that need to be answered, I hope it's a success but I am finding it may be just too much on their plate right now."

Of course, there are a lot of unknowns when it comes to this show such as when it will launch, if the rosters will actually be split, and ultimately whether or not it will be a beneficial idea if it does happen. However, that is something that will likely not be clear until after the fact, but having distinct rosters could be one way of dealing with any potential backstage issues regarding Punk coming back. 

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Reffin Rant" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

