Vince McMahon Reportedly Not In Seattle For Tonight's WWE Raw

Where in the world is Vince McMahon? According to a new report, he's not in Seattle — site of tonight's "WWE Raw."

After taking charge of last week's show — the always anticipated "Raw" after WrestleMania — the anxiety across wrestling began to reach new heights that McMahon might be back in the driver's seat controlling WWE creative moving forward. The show was met with nearly zero positive response, and backstage morale took a dive that McMahon's presence could become the rule not the exception. 

But McMahon was nowhere to be found in Portland — where "WWE SmackDown" was held on Friday, and now according to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer, McMahon is not in the Pacific Northwest for this evening's show either.

However, you might want to curb any celebrations you were quickly throwing together that this means McMahon is taking a hands-off approach to the creative end. A follow-up tweet revealed that McMahon is still involved, just remotely. But to what extent he has re-inserted himself into the picture is a murkier situation. 

McMahon had indicated recently that he wouldn't be "in the weeds" of WWE's creative, only participating on a much higher level. That proved to quickly not be the case after his "Raw" involvement. McMahon resides as Executive Chairman of WWE, firmly in charge of the company as a whole, in advance of its announced merger with UFC last week. 

For now though, the lack of McMahon's presence backstage at WWE events appears to be a positive for the WWE locker room. Reports from "SmackDown" indicated that the mood behind-the-scenes was far more upbeat than what was experiences on Monday.

