GCW Gringo Loco's The Wrld On Lucha 2023 Results (4/1): Gringo Loco Vs. Psycho Clown, El Hijo Del Vikingo In Action, More

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Game Changer Wrestling presents Gringo Loco's The Wrld on Lucha 2023 from the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Los Angeles, California, as part of The Collective. Six matches are penciled in for the show, including a bout between Gringo Loco and Psycho Clown. It will be the second time the two wrestlers have faced each other in GCW after they collided in a Falls Count Anywhere match at GCW If I Die First in February 2022; Clown picked up the win that night. "The Base God" faces Clown just 24 hours after participating in the Grab the Brass Ring Doors, Ladders, and Chairs match at Joey Janela's Spring Break 7. Elsewhere, El Hijo del Vikingo is set to step into the ring with Laredo Kid. The pair will meet for the first time since Kid defeated Vikingo in the finals of the Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide Showcenter Tournament in October 2022. 


Announced card prior to the show

* Gringo Loco vs. Psycho Clown

* El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Laredo Kid

* Los Mazisos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) vs. La Familia de Tijuana (Bestia 666 and Damian 666)

* Komander, Arez, and Aramis vs. Black Taurus, Los Vipers (Toxin and Latigo)

* Sexy Star vs. Dulce Tormenta

* Tony Deppen vs. Negro Casas

Scramble Match Opens The Show

Bobby Flaco vs. Mago vs. Jack Cartwheel vs. Jimmy Lloyd vs. Shane Mercer vs. Willie Mack in a Scramble match

All six competitors locked hands as the match got underway. Mack performed a dance routine as music played. Mack also did the worm and reversed worm. Flaco took Mack down with a headscissors. Mago dived through the ropes. Mago springboarded off the bottom rope and landed a DDT on Cartwheel. Flaco scaled the ropes and connected with a cutter on Mago. 


Mercer entered the ring and fought Flaco. Mercer put Flaco on the apron, and Mack slammed him down onto the edge of the ring. Mercer and Mack exchanged blows in the ring. Mack dived over the ropes and took out a handful of wrestlers on the floor. Flaco leaped from the top turnbuckle to the outside. Mago soared through the ropes. Mercer performed a moonsault from the ropes. Cartwheel did a twisted dive. 

Lloyd drove Mago into the mat. Flaco landed a DDT on Lloyd. Mack knocked Flaco down with a spinning kick. Mercer launched Mack across the ring. Mercer slammed Mago into the mat. Flaco caught Cartwheel in the air with a cutter. Mercer slammed Flaco into the canvas. Mack powerbombed Mercer. Mago spiked Mack with a tornado DDT. Cartwheel pinned Mago after connecting with a twisting shooting star press from the top. 


Winner: Jack Cartwheel via pinfall

Sexy Star against Dulce Tormenta

Sexy Star vs. Dulce Tormenta

Star and Tormenta locked up. Star twisted the wrist of Tormenta. Star escaped Tormenta's wristlock. Star and Tormenta countered each other's pinfall attempts. Tormenta sent Star out of the ring with a headscissors. Tormenta dived to the floor. Star responded with a leap to the outside. 


Star sent a wooden door into the ring after taking control of the bout at ringside. Star sent Tormenta back into the ring. Star spanked Tormenta. Star set up the door in the corner. The door failed to break when Star speared Tormenta into it. Star sent Tormenta through the door with a Death Valley driver. 

Star scattered several thumbtacks in the corner. Tormenta drove Star onto the tacks with powerbomb. Tormenta attempted a pin after connecting with knees in the corner. Star escaped a half crab. Star and Tormenta exchanged strikes in the center of the ring. Tormenta traded German suplexes. 

Tormenta landed two suplexes. Star rolled Tormenta up for a cover. Star planted Tormenta with a Devil's Wings and attempted a pin. Star connected with a big knee in the corner. Tormenta responded and delivered the Three Amigos. Tormenta picked up the win with a spinning package piledriver. 


Winner: Dulce Tormenta via pinfall

Trios Action

Komander, Rey Horus, and Aramis vs. Black Taurus, Arez, and Latigo

The match immediately broke down. Komander, Horus, and Aramis sent Taurus off the apron. Komander, Horus, and Aramis dived to the floor. Aramis tossed Latigo back into the ring. Aramis got caught with a big knee. Latigo connected with a kick to the back of Aramis' head. Komander took the fight to Latigo. Komander performed a springboard dragonrana. 


Arez pulled off his mask and revealed his face paint. Arez took Komander off his feet. Arez dropped Komander with a brainbuster. Horus sent Arez into the corner and sent him out of the ring. Taurus hit a combination of moves on Horus. Aramis and Taurus collided. Aramis landed a headscissors on Taurus. 

Taurus, Arez, and Latigo took control. Taurus attempted to take off Horus' mask. Taurus then attempted to take off Komander's mask. Komander fought back and sent Taurus over the top rope. Komander leaped to the floor from the shoulders of Arez and Latigo. Horus performed a springboard moonsault. 

Aramis spun Arez around and landed a powerbomb. Latigo delivered a flurry of moves to Aramis. Komander and Horus took out Latigo. Taurus sent Komander and Horus down. Both teams went back and forth. In the end, Komander walked the top rope and landed a shooting star press on Arez to win the bout for his team. 


Winners: Komander, Rey Horus, and Aramis via pinfall

Tag Team Match

Los Mazisos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) vs. La Familia de Tijuana (Bestia 666 and Damian 666)

Ciclope collided with Damian as the match got underway. Bestia and Extremo were tagged in. Los Mazisos managed to gain the advantage. The bout headed to the floor. Ciclope sent Damian into the ring post. Extremo struck Bestia with a steel chair. Ciclope picked up a steel chair and hit Damian with it. 


Damian went after Extremo inside the ring with a steel chair. Bestia smashed a chair into Extremo's lower region. Extremo responded by hitting Damian with a steel chair. Damian introduced a kendo stick. Bestia tossed Extremo and Ciclope to the floor. Bestia and Damian dived through the ropes. 

Bestia and Damian set up a door bridge in the center of the ring. Ciclope and Extremo elevated Bestia and sent him through the door bridge. Los Mazisos attempted a pin. Ciclope connected with a shining wizard on Damian. Bestia delivered a German suplex to Ciclope. 

Damian walked the top rope with Extremo locked in a wristlock. Damian came down from the top rope and delivered an arm drag. Bestia sent Ciclope down with a superkick. Bestia set up a door bridge in the corner of the ring. Damian accidentally sprayed mist in Bestia's face. Extremo and Ciclope won the bout after they both put Damian through the door bridge from the top turnbuckle. 


Winners: Los Mazisos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) via pinfall

Tony Deppen goes up against Negro Casas

Tony Deppen vs. Negro Casas

Deppen and Casas traded submissions. Deppen attempted to finish the bout early with a small package. Casas went for an armbar. Casas kept Deppen grounded. Deppen managed to escape and got back to his feet. Deppen bit Casas' fingers. Casas took Deppen off his feet. 


Deppen locked a Casas in a standing arm submission. Casas countered. Casas planted Deppen with a DDT and went for a cover. Deppen headed to the floor to take a breather. Deppen and Casas traded blows in the middle of the ring. Casas knocked Deppen down with a forearm. Deppen responded with a clothesline and a pinfall attempt. 

Deppen headbutted Casas into the corner. Deppen locked in an arm submission on the mat. Deppen started showboating and became more aggressive with the hold. Casas got his shoulder up during the pin attempt that followed. Casas fought back with a lariat and a big boot in the corner. Casas followed up with an elbow drop and a cover. 

Casas grabbed Deppen's wrist and applied a submission on the canvas. Deppen replied with a handful of kicks. Casas locked Deppen in the STF. Deppen broke the hold after grabbing the bottom rope. Deppen and Casas exchanged strikes. Casas rolled Deppen up to secure the victory. 


Winner: Negro Casas via pinfall

Falls Count Anywhere Rematch

Gringo Loco vs. Psycho Clown in a Falls Count Anywhere match

Ring announcer Emil Jay revealed that Loco-Clown would be a Falls Count Anywhere match, just like their previous encounter in GCW. Loco got caught with a steel chair as he attempted to dive through the ropes. Clown got caught with a steel chair when he attempted a dive. Loco soared over the top rope and wiped out Clown. 


Clown sent Loco into the ring post. Clown leaped from the apron to take out Loco. Clown and Loco fought around the ringside area. Clown choked Loco with a sweater and dragged him across the floor. Clown missed a high-risk move upon returning to the ring. Loco landed a moonsault from the top and attempted a pin. Clown slammed Loco into the canvas with a powerslam and went for another cover. 

Clown grabbed two steel chairs from underneath the ring and used them to his advantage. Loco nailed Clown's head with a steel chair on the top turnbuckle. Loco ripped Clown's mask. Clown was busted open. Loco bit Clown's forehead. Loco used a pair of scissors on Clown's forehead. 

Loco set up a ladder in the corner. Clown headed to the floor. Loco sent him back into the ring. Loco tossed Clown onto the ladder and attempted a pin. Loco sent a wooden door into the ring and placed it in the corner. Clown sent Loco through the door after he attempted to use the scissors again. Clown landed a moonsault from the top and went for a cover. 


Clown set up a steel chair in the center of the ring. Clown drove Loco onto the chair with an Alabama slam. Loco got his shoulder up after Clown connected with a frog splash. Clown headbutted Loco to the floor. Clown launched himself over the top rope. Clown sliced Loco's bleeding forehead with the scissors. 

Loco pulled out a Spanish Fly from the top turnbuckle and went for a cover. Loco climbed the ladder in the corner of the ring and missed with a high-risk move. Clown set up a ladder and door bridge on the floor. Clown placed Loco on the door and sent him through it with a splash from the ladder. Clown attempted a pin. 

Clown pulled out two concrete blocks from underneath the ring. Clown set up a door bridge inside the ring. Loco fought back and placed Clown on the door. Loco put the concrete blocks on Clown's head. Clown got back to his feet and hit Loco with a belt on the top turnbuckle. Clown scattered tacks on the door with the concrete blocks. Clown sent Loco through the door with a Spanish Fly. Clown was hurting, and Loco rolled him up to win. 

Winner: Gringo Loco via pinfall

Main Event

El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Laredo Kid

Vikingo and Kid locked up. The pace immediately increased as Vikingo and Kid countered each other's moves. Kid wiped out Vikingo on the floor with a dive. Kid connected with a frog splash in the ring and attempted a pin. Kid sent Vikingo down with a dropkick after he bounced back off the ropes. Kid slapped Vikingo in the corner of the ring. Kid was sent to the outside. Vikingo managed to turn the tables. 


Vikingo delivered a running shooting star press from the apron to the floor. Back inside the ring, Vikingo springboarded off the middle rope and performed a twisting splash. Kid replied and drove Vikingo into the canvas. Kid followed up with three moonsaults from the turnbuckles. Kid attempted to pin Vikingo. Kid and Vikingo traded slaps in the center of the ring. Kid delivered a knee to Vikingo's lower region. 

Vikingo leaped from the ring post and landed a Destroyer on the apron. Vikingo dived through the ropes and wiped out Kid. Vikingo took control as the action returned to the ring. Kid drove Vikingo into the mat with a powerbomb and went for two covers. Kid backed Vikingo into the corner and delivered a series of blows. Kid held Vikingo in front of him as he performed a moonsault from the top. 


Kid placed Vikingo on the top turnbuckle. Vikingo fought back and slammed him down. Kid kicked out of Vikingo's pin attempt. Vikingo connected with double knees in the corner. Vikingo landed a 630 splash from the top to win. 

Winner: El Hijo del Vikingo via pinfall

- That's all for GCW Gringo Loco's The Wrld on Lucha 2023!

