Impact's Gisele Shaw Calls Out Rick Steiner For Transphobic Tirade At Signing Event

Impact Wrestling star Gisele Shaw has taken to Twitter to call out Rick Steiner, revealing that he accosted her with transphobic insults at this weekend's Wrestlecon signing event.

According to Shaw, she was walking to her table and heard someone call her a "man," "dude," "a piece of trash," and "filth" before telling her to "get the f*** away from here." At first, she chose to ignore the transphobic tirade and didn't acknowledge who said it. However, she returned to the same area later on and discovered that it was Steiner, who continued with his insults. When Shaw confronted him about it, he kept yelling derogatory statements at her.

Furthermore, Shaw noted that other wrestling legends in attendance watched the incident unfold and didn't speak up. "Judging from that experience, it was more important for them to watch something wrong go down as opposed to standing up for someone who's being bullied and doing what's right," she wrote. Shaw said that these incidents keep happening because "people let it slide," and she won't work with anyone who does business with those kinds of people moving forward. 

She concluded by thanking her Impact colleagues for supporting her at the event, while also noting that Steiner uttered a homophobic slur at one of them earlier in the day. Afterward, she praised Impact for being a good company to work for. "I am very fortunate to be working alongside such incredible people in a company that has no room for hate, bullying, or judgment," she added. Steiner hasn't responded to Shaw's statement as of this writing.

