Bruce Prichard Says That Sometimes Commentators Need To Know When To Shut Up

Commentary is essential to all sporting events, including professional wrestling. But sometimes, there are moments that don't require people talking over it. Letting a moment breathe can have a real lasting effect. Recently on his "Something to Wrestle" podcast, WWE Executive Bruce Prichard spoke on announcers needing to know when to take a step back and let the action do the talking.


"That's an art. You gotta know as a commentator and play-by-play guy when to just shut up," Prichard said. "Feel what's happening in front of you. Let the audience decide whether that's 'Oh my God!' rather than you telling me it's an 'Oh my God.'"

One such moment occurred at No Way Out in 2008. In a segment involving The Big Show and Rey Mysterio, boxer Floyd Mayweather jumped the barricade and stormed the ring after being antagonized by the giant. He proceeded to get a few punches in and run before Show gave chase to Mayweather and his entourage. The crowd responded, and it felt like a fairly chaotic moment. To their credit, Michael Cole and Jonathan Coachman remained silent the entire time.

Prichard also sometimes takes issue with a broadcaster saying, in detail, exactly what a viewer just saw for themselves. "I saw that. I saw it, I got eyes. It's TV, it's not radio," he added. Again, it all comes back to letting the moment speak for itself while allowing the energy of the crowd to take over and soak it in. "Whenever a commentator can just lay out, so much more powerful than blabbering over every second of every show."


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Something to Wrestle" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

