AEW Dynamite Results (3/1): Face Of The Revolution Ladder Match, Bryan Danielson And MJF Appear

This is Wrestling INC.'s results of "AEW Dynamite" for March 1, 2023!

Tonight will be the go-home show for the upcoming AEW Revolution PPV this weekend, giving Tony Khan the chance to add final matches to the card or further the storylines. That should happen for the main event of the PPV as both Bryan Danielson and MJF will appear on the show to give their final thoughts before facing each other on Sunday.


One match that is usually on the annual PPV is the Face of the Revolution ladder match, but that is going to be taking place on "Dynamite" tonight instead. Eddie Kingston, AR Fox, Powerhouse Hobbs, Action Andretti, Sammy Guevara, Komander, Ortiz, and Konosuke Takeshita will all meet in this encounter, with the winner earning a future TNT Championship match.

Another major encounter set to take place on this show will see Orange Cassidy defend his All-Atlantic Championship against Big Bill, as Cassidy looks to continue his dominant run as champion. The FTW Championship will also be on the line tonight as HOOK faces his toughest test yet by coming up against one of AEW's veterans, Matt Hardy.

Toni Storm's issues against the AEW originals will continue as well when she goes one on one against Riho. Storm and Saraya have been attacking women who have been around from the start in AEW as of late, with Riho being the latest to come up against AEW's resident bullies. Speaking of bullying, last week Chris Jericho hit Peter Avalon with a spiked bat, and tonight the two men will compete in singles action. 


Finally, the last slot in the upcoming AEW World Tag Team Championship match at Revolution will be filled. The Gunns will be defending their titles against The Acclaimed, Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal, and whichever team manages to win the casino tag team battle royale this evening.

Orange Cassid (c) vs. Big Bill w/Stokely Hathaway (All-Atlantic Championship Match)

Orange Cassidy rolls out of the ring and goads his challenger out before heading back inside, and as Big Bill gets back into the ring Cassidy rolls out once again. Cassidy rolls in once again and then takes the glasses from Stokely Hathaway, with Bill almost getting a punch in on him but he misses. Inside the ring, Bill continues swinging and missing, but as the champion aims for a DDT Bill uses his power and slams him down to the mat instead. 


Bill then charges in with a huge splash in the corner which he follows with a big Irish whip and a huge boot to the face that sends Cassidy to the floor. Bill is able to attack him around the ringside area and he then pulls the timekeeper's corner out but the champion fights back to stop himself from being slammed through it. However, that doesn't last long as when Cassidy tries to run and jump from the stair he gets caught and Chokeslammed through the table on the outside.

Bill throws Cassidy out of the ring which allows Hathaway to get some punches in on him behind the official's back until Danhausen comes out to even the odds. He stares down Bill briefly, but the challenger puts his focus back on Cassidy with a delayed vertical suplex. Cassidy manages a few slow punches, but as he then aims for the Orange Punch he gets caught and rag-dolled around the ring with a Full Nelson submission locked in. 


Bill looks for a big boot but Cassidy drops down to the mat before he connects which he does again before rolling out of the ring. Outside Danhausen tries to curse Hathaway but Bill blocks it and Hathaway then smashes him in the head with his cast. While that takes place Cassidy dives out and attacks them, but he as he goes for it again Bill catches him. He aims for a Chokeslam to the ring apron but Cassidy reverses with an Orange Punch, and he then does one to Bill's knee before dropkicking him into the stairs. 

Back inside the ring, he tries the move again but it gets blocked so the champion hits Stundog Millionaire and then a DDT and Orange Punch. Cassidy lands a second one, and he then nails a third from the top rope to retain. 

Winner (and still AEW All-Atlantic Champion): Orange Cassidy

Jon Moxley is shown backstage after his match last week and he says his blood tastes like victory and life. He claims he lives for this and you don't want to go down a dark alley with him as only one comes out, and he reminds Adam Page that he wanted this. He says this time he will leave no doubt as Page is a great wrestler and man but he's not the same animal as him. 

The Elite then appear as if they're about to make their entrance but the lights go out. House Of Black flash up behind them and then when the lights come back again the champions are down as Malakai Black's group stand with the titles.


Face Of The Revolution Ladder Match

Instantly everyone begins brawling when the bell rings as Eddie Kingston and Ortiz fight as Kingston throws a ladder down onto Ortiz. Meanwhile, Action Andretti dives out of the ring to take out Sammy Guevara while the latter then returns by using the ladder to hit AR Fox while Kingston and Ortiz brawl to the top of the ramp and backstage. Komander hits a dropkick from the top rope which sends the ladder into Andretti, but he turns into a big clothesline from Powerhouse Hobbs.


Hobbs then launches Kommander into a ladder in the corner while Fox then gets the same treatment. Konosuke Takeshita then hits the ring and he and Hobbs trade strikes as they collide in the ring with some big lariat attempts, but Takeshita then side-steps him as he crashes into the ladder as he then suplexes Hobbs. But he turns into a jumping knee from Geuvara, but as he tries to dive out Andretti superkicks him and he then backflips out to hit Guevara. 

Fox springboards and dives out to the pile, but Komander steals the moment as he runs the ropes and dives out to hit everyone. Inside the ring, a ladder is set in the middle while Guevara throws Andretti onto one that is laying on the top rope as he bounces up. Guevara then sets a ladder bridge from the top rope into the one in the middle, but he is taken out by Komander. Takeshita stops his plans by throwing him out of the ring and then landing on him with a dive. They brawl back and Hobbs takes out Takeshita, but as he tries to suplex Komander out Fox hits him with a chair. 


Hobbs then kicks it away and he throws Fox onto a ladder bridge from the apron to the ladder outside the ring. Hobbs and Takeshita hit a double lariat, yet inside the ring, Guevara has it won until Andretti runs up a ladder and hits a falcon arrow from the top to him. Meanwhile, Komander nails a Shooting Star Press onto Fox who is out on the ladder bridge. He then scales to the top but Takeshita stops him and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb from the top. 

Andretti then springboards onto the ladder and they fight until Daniel Garcia appears and pushes the ladder down. He takes out Andretti again afterward and outside the ring, they set a small ladder on top of two chairs with another big ladder being put up next to it. Guevara then scales that one and he dives down to slam Andretti through it with a senton. Garcia carries Guevara up the ladder but Takeshita returns and pushes them off, hitting a Power Drive Knee to Guevara afterward. He scales it until Hobbs just run through the ladder which breaks it. However, he still climbs up and gets the win. 

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs

After the match, Hobbs stares down Samoa Joe until Wardlow comes out and he takes out all the security as Joe scurries away


Chris Jericho vs. Peter Avalon

It is revealed Trent and Chuck aren't medically cleared for the battle royale later on tonight, but Danhausen says he and Orange Cassidy can be, despite the fact Cassidy is being medically checked. He says he doesn't care.


Peter Avalon immediately takes down Chris Jericho and starts hammering down a series of punches to him as well as chops in the corner until Jericho runs out of the ring. As he walks around Avalon nails a tope suicida and he follows it up with a series of chops before throwing Jericho into the stairs. When they get back into the ring Jericho tries to hide behind Aubrey Edwards but it doesn't work and Avalon hits a big boot. 

Avalon then stumbles on a springboard but he still connects with a crossbody and that is followed by a DDT. He gets a near fall but as Avalon gets up and looks for his next move he gets dropped by a Codebreaker. 

Winner: Chris Jericho 

After the match, Jericho grabs his bat and he drops Avalon with a shot to the head and then he carries on the attack until Ricky Starks chases him out of the ring. Jericho then gets on the microphone and says he will beat the hell out of him on Sunday, but while the JAS aren't allowed on Sunday that doesn't mean they can't be tonight. That leads to Jake Hager and Daniel Garcia hitting the ring as a three-on-one attack begins. Jericho gets the final blow with a Judas Effect as Starks is left laying in the ring. 


A video is then shown of Adam Page as he tells him he can't take his friends from him, his memory, and this Sunday he will take everything away from Moxley. He takes away his spot at the top of the food chain. He admits he's not the same animal as he hates violence, but this Sunday he will be the most blood thirsty son of a b*tch he has to be. 

Christian Cage has a challenge

Renee Paquette is then shown inside the ring as she welcomes out Christian Cage, and he says he can't wait to not come back to San Fransisco. Cage says he embarrassed Jungle Boy and he was done with him until he turns on Dynamite and he heard him say he was going to win a singles championship this year. Cage says, over his dead body, because he is going to win a singles title himself this year.


He has been watching some of Jungle Boy's matches and he's been winning with a roll-up and that's fine, but do you want to do that or beat someone down. He already knows the answer as Jungle Boy had him dead to rights but he hesitated and he turned it around and showed how a real man handles business when he left him in a pool of his own blood and piss. He says Jungle Boy has no interest in the legacy of a championship, he just wants to take it home and show his family and make some memes. His problem with him and his generation is that they treat his business like a video game. 

Cage says nobody can do the things he can in the ring, he is one of one. He treats the business like an ATM machine and he is not done milking it dry, but this needs to end and he challenges Jungle Boy to a fight this Sunday with no rules or regulations. If Jungle Boy shows up he will show he's like his father and he is a Hollywood hack. He claims that Jungle Boy doesn't have an ounce of what he does inside. 


The lights then go off and Jungle Boy is shown digging a grave and there is a headstone that has Christian's name on it. 

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Jamie Hayter and she doesn't know what is sweeter, beating one b*tch or two this Sunday. Britt Baker then says Saraya can look but can't touch, as she will never have the belt. 

HOOK (c) vs. Matt Hardy (FTW Championship Match)

HOOK immediately goes to take down Matt Hardy, which forces him to back off and then hit a right hand as he drops the champion with a shoulder tackle. However, Hardy spends too much time posing and that allows HOOK to pick his knee and bring him to the floor, as HOOK then sends Hardy into the barricade. But when the official is distracted, Ethan Page charges the champion into the ring post. 


Back in the ring, Hardy focuses on the injured area and hits a neck breaker, but as he connects with his delete slams into the turnbuckles, HOOK blocks one and throws the veteran with a T-Bone suplex. HOOK attacks Hardy in the corner until the challenge hits snake eyes, but as he pulls HOOK's legs up, he lands on his feet and then clotheslines Hardy to the floor. Hardy then connects with a Side Effect but HOOK manages to kick out. 

Hardy goes for another but HOOK blocks it and the two of them end up clunking into each other in the corner. The official gets distracted again and Stokely Hathaway takes off his cast and Page uses it to nail HOOK, but he still kicks out. Hardy goes for a Twist Of Fate but HOOK immediately reverses, locking in Red Rum which Hardy taps out to. 


Winner (and still FTW Champion): HOOK

This means that HOOK will now face Hathaway in the future with The Firm banned from ringside.

House Of Black are shown backstage with the AEW World Trios Championships. Malakai Black says they'll leave the titles here, but this Sunday The Elite should know they have already lost.

Toni Storm w/Saraya vs. Riho

Before Riho can even take her ring jacket off Toni Storm attacks her in the corner as she starts throwing her around the ring, slamming the former AEW World Champion down to the mat with plenty of aggression. Riho fights back with a few forearm strikes, but a swift knee from Storm allows her to regain control, hitting a shoulder tackle straight after. Riho tries to fight back again with a dropkick, which is followed by a snap suplex but Storm kicks out.


Saraya tries to distract Riho and that allows Storm to hit another knee strike, but the speed of Riho proves to be too much as she rolls through Storm, stomping on her straight after. Saraya distracts Riho once again and that allows Storm to hit a Hip Attack that sends Riho to the floor, and the Englishwoman gets a cheap attack in on the outside afterward for added impact. 

Storm then launches Riho into the ring post, but Jamie Hayter and Britt Baker then make their way down to ringside. Back in the ring, Riho slaps the taste out of Storm's mouth, but that only fires her up to hit a suplex to quickly put Riho back on the back burner. Riho hits a head scissors to set Storm onto the ropes, but her 619 attempts is caught only for Riho to send her opponent outside the ring as she hits a diving crossbody to follow it up. 


Riho hits a diving foot stomp and then a Northern Lights Suplex into a bridge, and now it is Storm having to kick out. Riho then gets caught on the top turnbuckle, but as she tries to dive over her for a powerbomb, Storm blocks it. She sends Riho across the ring and then nails a Hip Attack, but Riho kicks out! Storm then locks in the Cloverleaf and seemingly has it won but Baker distracts her which allows a roll-up. 

Winner: Riho

After the match Storm attacks Riho and then brawls with Baker. Meanwhile, inside the ring, Saraya and Jamie Hayter fight until Ruby Soho hits the ring, and she picks neither side and fights both of them. 

Keith Lee and Dustin Rhodes are shown backstage and this Friday on Rampage they will show why they're Naturally Limitless and why people will remember their name. 

Casino Battle Royale

The Dark Order are the first entrants, but before John Silver and Alex Reynolds can even get to the ring, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta jump them on the ramp and the two teams brawl all over the ringside area. When the four men get into the ring things officially start, but then RUSH and Preston Vance make their way to the ring and they immediately take the fight to everyone in the ring. 


Castagnoli and RUSH end up swinging for the fences at each other in the middle of the ring, and then the Lucha Bros make their entrance. Rey Fenix dives into the ring with a crossbody and Penta makes just as big of an impact as the two men then start throwing stereo thrust kicks to take everyone down. Castagnoli then hits a big boot to Fenix while they're on the ring apron which almost eliminates him, but the masked man hangs on.

Aussie Open are out next, meanwhile, BCC and Dark Order continue fighting as Castagnoli saves Yuta as he is almost eliminated, but as they stand on the apron they end up grabbing The Dark Order stars from the backs of Aussie Open to pull them both over and out. The JAS stars 2.0 are next to enter the match, meanwhile RUSH is on the top turnbuckle trying to rip off Fenix's mask. 


Top Flight hit the ring and they waste no time hitting great double teams that almost sees them clothesline Carganoli out, but they do manage to dropkick Daddy Magic out of the ring. The Kingdom make its way down next and they focus on Top Flight with both men being singled out. Mark Sterling's crew then run out and begin attacking Lucha Bros despite the fact they're not scheduled. They throw them back into the ring and RUSH eliminated Penta while Fenix also gets eliminated.

Dante Martin starts stomping on RUSH who is hanging on, but as Vance tries to knock them down Dante pulls down the ropes and eliminates him, while his brother dropkicks RUSH to get rid of him. Top Flight and Aussie Open then go back and forth, but as Dante looks for the Nose Dive he just gets pushed out of the ring, and his partner isn't far behind him. Danhausen and Orange Cassidy then come down, throwing in Cool Hand Ange into the ring as Cassidy takes him out quickly.

The Butcher & The Blade appear, but while that happens both The Kingdom and Aussie Open are taken out of the ring. Dark Order appears again for distraction, and that allows Cassidy to eliminate Castagnoli and Yuta from behind. Cassidy gets nailed by a Stunner/Lariat combination but he hands-on for dear life, while Danhausen comes from behind to throw them out. 


Winners: Orange Cassidy & Danhausen

Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett and The Gunns then appear as they beat down the babyface winners until The Acclaimed makes the save

Let's Hear From Bryan Danielson & MJF

Renee Paquette welcomes out Bryan Danielson and she shows a post from 2014 as MJF was dropping out of college and he was quitting to chase his dream of being a wrestler. Danielson says over seven years ago he was forced to retire, and two years later he came back and said if you fight for your dreams they will fight for you...but that leads to MJF making his way out. 


Danielson tells him to shut up. He's been listening to why he hates him for weeks, and he thinks he deserves all these things but MJF has done nothing to earn them as he has taken every shortcut that he can to be a champion. He doesn't think that MJF has fought for the title, and if there's one thing he deserves it is his fiance leaving him. He reminds him that pinning shoulders to mats and banging rats is what MJF has said, and he wouldn't his daughter to marry someone like that. 

He has fought for everything, through concussions, shoulder injuries, the authority, and retirement. He left a job that would have paid him for the rest of his life because he wanted to fight. He says he has talked about fighting for his dreams, and his new dream is to become the AEW World Champion, and he's willing to fight for it, so this Sunday MJF best be ready to fight with everything he had for 60 full minutes and if he doesn't then he is going to get his f***ing head kicked in. 

