The New Day Throw Surprise Birthday Party For Visibly Uncomfortable Big E

It appears WWE Superstar Big E of The New Day is not a fan of birthday surprises. The former WWE Champion turned 37 years old on March 1. Xavier Woods, a New Day brethren, wasn't about to let Big E celebrate his birthday without cake, a balloon, and a birthday song. The birthday surprise was captured on video, which Woods posted on his official Twitter account, and it's quite clear that Big E was uncomfortable being the center of attention.


Big E has been out of action since March 2022. During a tag team match on an episode of "SmackDown," Big E took an overhead belly-to-belly suplex from Ridge Holland outside of the ring. Unfortunately for the eight-time former tag team champion, he landed on his head. While Big E avoided any ligament or spinal cord damage, he did suffer fractures to his C1 and C6 vertebrae, and he doesn't know if he'll be able to wrestle again.

With the one-year mark of the injury approaching, Big E is set to undergo crucial scans that could reveal his future as an in-ring performer. Late last year, Big E appeared on "These Urban Times" and said that his C1 vertebra is the one that was broken in two spots. He said that's the issue that's touch-and-go at this point in terms of his future as a WWE Superstar, but he considers himself lucky that things didn't turn out far worse. Big E said he wants to ensure that the C1 vertebra is "rock solid" if he gets a chance to step back inside the ring as an on-screen competitor.

