Jim Ross Squashes Long-Standing Beef With John Laurinaitis

Jim Ross buried the hatchet with John Laurinaitis. AEW was in Phoenix, Arizona last week for "Dynamite" and "Rampage" and the WWE Hall Of Famer crossed paths with his longstanding backstage adversary.

"I think he was there with Dean Malenko," Ross said.

Ross notoriously isn't friends with him, but was impressed Laurinaitis came up to him first after knowing all the sobering things J.R. has said about him, including calling his business style "chicken sh*t."

"It wasn't a confrontation at all. We had a nice conversation. I told him, 'I'm too old and I'm trying to overcome these issues with my skin cancer and all the subsequent treatment, I got more important things to worry about than having a grudge and living a grudge so we kind of cleared the air.

"I'm kind of glad that we've got that out of the way because it's just better to live your life without that additional stress and angst. It's just a negative thing and I didn't want to mire myself in negativity."

Ross noted that Laurinaitis lives in Phoenix, but "Grilling JR" co-host Conrad Thompson did his due diligence in asking J.R. if he thought "Johnny Ace" was job-seeking.

"I don't know. I'm guessing that his original intent was to visit his friends," J.R. said. "He didn't mention to me about working for AEW but it shouldn't be a shocker about he wanting a job. One of the hardest jobs in wrestling is the talent relations job, especially now.

"I hope he lands on his feet and does whatever he wants to do, but I'm not mad at him anymore and I feel better about not being mad at him."

If you use quotes in this article, please credit "Grilling JR" with an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

