Top WWE Star Initially Doubted Lanny Poffo's 'Genius' Gimmick

Not every gimmick in professional wrestling is destined for success, but more often than not a talented performer can take an idea and turn it into gold. Such was the case with "The Genius" Lanny Poffo, who passed away on February 2. In 1989, he reinvented himself as a heel and began insulting the audience with poetry. Donning an academic cap and gown, he began ridiculing his babyface opponents through poetry as well.


Reflecting on Poffo's life this week on "Something To Wrestle," longtime WWE executive Bruce Prichard revealed the gimmick's origins, as well as the fact that megastar Hulk Hogan had his share of doubts about it.

"I wanna say that Vince [McMahon] and Pat [Patterson] came up with it, and then we kinda tweaked it from there and made it larger than life," Prichard said.

Of course, not everyone is going to buy into every single gimmick. Enter Hogan, who at that point in his career didn't have to tweak a single thing about his persona. At the end of the day, he was proven wrong about "The Genius." In October 1989 on NBC, Hogan lost to Poffo via countout with the help of "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig. Hennig proceeded to destroy "The Hulkster's" WWE Championship belt.


"Hulk doubted the validity of the gimmick of 'The Genius,'" Prichard continued, "and Vince said when he's selling out and beating you on top, you're going to have a different feeling. And he did, right there in Kansas." As for the belt's destruction, there were initial fears the belt wouldn't break. "Internally I remember thinking that I was going to laugh my ass off if Perfect hit that thing with the hammer and it didn't bust the way we thought it should," he added. "And thank God it did."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Something to Wrestle" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

